Former Asian champion wrestler Divya Kakran has reportedly been caught in a doping violation case. The star Indian wrestler now stares at a potential four-year ban, as reported by the Hindi daily Amar Ujala, on Tuesday (February 13).
Divya boasts some big medals that she has achieved in her career, including two Asian Championships gold medals and a Commonwealth Championships title.
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has reportedly collected a sample of her, which has tested positive for methyl testosterone (and its metabolites), which is a prohibited steroid.
The sample was collected on December 15, 2023 in Muzaffarnagar, under an out-of-competition testing process. It was later tested by the National Dope Test Laboratory (NDTL), which is a WADA-accredited testing laboratory in India.
Following the positive result of the test conducted, the star Indian athlete, who hails from Uttar Pradesh, was slapped with a temporary suspension by the NADA officials from January 10 this year.
With the turn of events, she will have to prove herself innocent in front of the NADA officials. In the case of the athlete failing to do so, she may face a potential four-year ban from the sport of wrestling.
Further, it has also been reported by Amar Ujala that Divya Kakran has also gotten her Sample B tested. It is learned that the UP-based athlete can also contest her temporary ban from the NADA tribunal by appealing against the same.
Divya Kakran faces a huge setback with the risk of a potential four-year ban
For a star athlete like Divya Kakran, a temporary ban and the threat of a potential four-year ban are a big setback. The Indian wrestler, who carries a high reputation, was also keen on making it to the national team, fighting for a spot that could give her a Paris Olympic quota place. This recent incident could very well hinder her chances of making the cut.
Beyond her career as a top athlete, she is presently employed with the Indian Railways, serving the post of a senior ticket examiner.