The Miz is seated at commentary next to Josh Mathews. Heath Slater & Santino Marella makes his entrance.
Santino vs. Heath Slater
Santino tries to attack early with a Cobra maneuver. Slater runs away. Slater pushes Santino but ducks out of the ring from the Cobra again. Slater plays air-guitar and Santino answers back with the trombone. Then they trade. Santino then plays air-flute, while Slater plays the drums. Santino starts to play air-piano, while Slater “pulls out” his air-harmonica. Santino goes from a violin to a cello and Slater just does a weird knee-dance. Slater charges out of the corner but Santino arm-drags him out of the ring. Slater goes and protests to the Miz as we go to commercial.
Miz does a PSA to not try this at home.
We’re back and Santino misses with a dropkick in the ring. Slater drops a knee and applies a body scissors. Santino rolls on top for a 2. Slater sends Santino from corner to corner and charges in but we don’t see the move. Slater gets 1. Santino favors his mid-section and complains that he can’t breathe. Slater goes back to the body scissors. Santino tickles Slater under his arms to get free. That’s a 25 year first for me. Slater plays his air-guitar and simultaneously slaps Santino in the back of the head and goes back to the body scissors. Santino breaks free and starts his Cobra routine. Slater ducks the Cobra several times but gets struck on his knee. Santino rolls him up from behind for the win.
Winner by pin: Santino
Santino celebrates in the ring as we go to commercial.
We return to “Family Health and Fitness Day.” We see clips of wrestlers such as Lex Luger, Rick “The Model” Martel, Rick Rude, Rocky, HHH, Cena, Mr. Perfect, and the Goon.
We go to this week’s Saturday Morning Spotlight: Cody Rhodes.
We see a highlight reel and Cody, himself, brings us this week’s Fave Five.
Fave Five: Top 5 Vanity Superstars5: “The Narcissist” Lex Luger4: Rick “The Model” Martel3: Ravishing Rick Rude2: Shawn Michaels1: “Dashing” Cody Rhodes
We go to the 3rd Degree: What was your favorite sport growing up? Cena says ‘football.’ Daniel Bryan says he doesn’t have a favorite because he was a ‘jack of all trades.’ Kofi says he played defense because he has small hands and couldn’t catch the ball. A very plain-looking, out-of-character Beth Phoenix says tennis. We keep going back to Bryan listing all the things he excelled at. Kaitlyn says soccer. Ziggler says wrestling.
Beth Phoenix brings us this week’s Pop Quiz: “Which WWE Superstar won the very 1st Iron Man Match? Stone Cold, HBK, or Hitman?” We go to commercial.
We return to the Video Vault. This week we will look at the “WWE’s most unique athletic idols. We see former health guru Simon Dean, The Goon, and Mr. Perfect. They put Hennig over and acknowledge that his son is Michael McGillicutty.
Beth Phoenix brings us the answer to our Pop Quiz: HBK.
The voice-over guy segues with “success in life begins with taking care of yourself.” He tells us not to just take his word for it. He sends to the Superstar “who exemplifies health, fitness, and success…
John Cena‘s Health Tips:1. Start Every Day With a Healthy Breakfast!2. Be Active!3. Get a Good Night’s Rest!