Its almost 7 months from now when we first saw SHIELD prevailing in WWE in between a match of CM punk and Ryback when they stormed in the ring causing ryback to loose the match for wwe championship. Ever since then we have never shield looking back down,what they did till now was serving justice .Mr. Vince Mcmahon (the chairman of board of WWE) successfully made shield a great business deal. The hounds of justice thundershocked most of the all time good superstars of WWE like John cena, Ryback, Kane,Daniel bryan, Randy Orton. with united states championship and world tag team championship with them the only question left is What’s next for the shield
1:SPLITTING UP- for a very long time the creative team of WWE has kept SHIELD interesting but as soon as the titles comes around your waist the count of feuds between teams, more opponents , more matchups keep rising too. Dean ambrose the gold class player of SHIELD after winning united states championship is only seen in singles matchup with the other two battling most of the time in tag team contest.Sooner more opponents for these title will prevail.If this keeps on going the day of splitting up of this great team is not so far.
2:GOLD TITLES- Now WWE’s rating being all time down with older superstars not in a good position due to injuries and offcourse the creative team of RAW.So the shield just need to bring out the best.Ever since they marked their presence, they served justice to everyone and maybe its not too long that any of their member will seize the opportunity to get the bigger title and being on the front seat of all superstars.
3:FORMATION OF AN ALLIANCE- Last year when paul heyman came back to wwe as manager for Brock Lesnar it always was pretty interesting to see what he will be doing on the mic and backstage too. He then joined hands with sheild to help another paul heyman guy Cm Punk. Now with latest guy in his side Curtis Axel ,it is possible that the shield may reunite with paul heyman and his guys to create an interesting feud which will be very great to watchout .