India's Wushu players Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega, and Mepung Lamgu have been denied entry to China for the Asian Games 2023. The three female Wushu players are from Arunachal Pradesh. One of the players has received accreditation while the other two are still waiting for it.
Bhupinder Singh Bajwa, Chef de Mission India at the Asian Games 2023, told India Today that he was in touch with the Olympics Council of Asia regarding this situation. Explaining the reason behind the delay in visa clearance, Bajwa said that a technical error led to the players not getting accreditation on time.
When the other members of the Wushu team, including seven other players and support staff departed for Hangzhou on September 20, Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega, and Mepung Lamgu were not allowed to board the flight as they did not have visa clearance.
It is pertinent to note that the three players were issued stapled visas instead of the regular stamped ones for the University Games in July this year. As a protest, India decided to withdraw its entire Wushu team from the competition.
Bajwa is optimistic about the visas being cleared by evening so that Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega, and Mepung Lamgu could participate in the continental meet.
"I am in touch with the OCA to resolve the matter. There was some technical glitch in their accreditation, and that is why, they could not board the plane," Bajwa said.
"But it seems, and as per my talks with the officials, it seems that by this evening, they will hopefully be able to fly to China," the Chef de Mission India added.
The trio of female Wushu players have reportedly returned to the Sports Authority of India hostel in JLN Stadium of New Delhi soon.
Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega, and Mepung Lamgu's visa issues taken up to Asian Games organizing committee: Sources
Speaking with India Today, a source informed that the officials have taken the matter to the organizing committee of the Asian Games as well as the Olympics Council of Asia (OCA). The source expected the problems to be solved soon.
The Wushu events at Asian Games 2023 will start on September 24. If Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega, and Mepung Lamgu leave by Friday evening, they can reach Hangzhou in time for the mega-event.