#8 The Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam - Vengeance 2001

What was good about this match was that it was the first highly entertaining one-on-one match that The Undertaker had in some time.
While he did have a few fair matches with Booker T during their short feud, Taker had seemingly gotten considerable lazy during the Alliance angle, and didn't seem to be putting any effort into his matches, he even famously squashed Diamond Dallas Page in all of their matches in their near three-month feud. The Undertaker certainly wasn't the worst wrestler of 2001, but he might have been one of the lazier.
This WWE Hardcore Championship match with Rob Van Dam finally turned things around. It was a fun weapon filled brawl, that went all over the place. RVD looked like a star here, the then ring greedy Big Evil finally allowed a WWE 'newbie' to put up a fight. The Undertaker chokeslammed RVD off the stage through a set of tables for the win.