#6 The Undertaker vs. Triple H - WrestleMania X-7

The Undertaker and Triple H have now fought one-on-one at three WrestleMania's, with this one being the first, and the one that garners the least praise.
All three matches were thrilling, with the Hell in A Cell at WrestleMania 28 being the best, but I still find this one to not just be underrated, but better than the Street Fight between them at WrestleMania 27.
This is also a pretty historic match, as it is the first WrestleMania match of The Undertaker's legendary WrestleMania streak to actually be a highly entertaining match.
Up until this, the majority of his streak matches were, in The Undertaker's own words, 'some stinkers'. This was the one to turn everything around.
The match started with the two fighting outside of the ring with Triple H quickly being put through the Spanish announcer's table.
The two brawled outside the ring, through the crowd, and into the technical area, the two fought to the top of the scaffolding, Triple H used a steel chair to attack Undertaker's legs, but Undertaker retaliated with a Chokeslam off the scaffolding, followed by a diving elbow drop.
A failed Tombstone and Pedigree later, Taker pinned Triple H after the Last Ride for the win.