Best and worst of RAW- 14th January 2019

I wish RAW was this good almost every single week
I wish RAW was this good almost every single week

RAW was a very entertaining episode this week, in my humble opinion. It started with tragedy for Braun Strowman as he was removed from Universal title contention. It ended with Finn Balor standing tall and triumphant. Most of the show in the middle was pretty darned good.

Overall, I would have to rate this show a thumbs up. Of course, I understand how no two professional wrestling fans can usually agree on the same thing and therefore, invite you to leave your comments. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my assessment.

I always love a show that ends with a feel-good moment. Also, I wonder just how many more appearances John Cena will do before he is off to film his movie.

That's a long enough preview, in my opinion. It's time to get right down to it and analyse this show.

#1 Best: Balor vs. Brock Lesnar

It's really cool to see Balor get his long-awaited opportunity
It's really cool to see Balor get his long-awaited opportunity

Finn Balor has always enjoyed crowd support from the WWE Universe. I just think that somehow, he's been relegated to the back of the line, because he doesn't size up to other bigger players. And this is especially true because he is on RAW, which is the sports entertainment show of WWE. Had he been on SmackDown Live, it would have been a different story.

Balor stood tall at the end of the night and Cena put him over. In many ways, this was an even more significant moment than him facing Brock Lesnar at the Rumble. This was a passing of the torch.

Will Balor go on to defeat Brock Lesnar for the title? I don't think so.

But this is certainly a well-deserved moment in the spotlight for him.

#1 Worst: The Ronda-Sasha exchange

Ronda Rousey's acting wasn't very good
Ronda Rousey's acting wasn't very good

I had a chance to interview Sasha Banks last night and I asked her if a babyface vs. babyface match was a good idea. Banks defended the match and said that it was. I should have it transcribed shortly after 'Best and Worst' goes up. But looking at the events of today, I somehow don't think so.

Firstly, I have a problem with Banks and Rousey teaming up to face Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka on RAW. I understand they are both babyfaces, but shouldn't they be at each other's throats as they're competitors in a huge title match? And their post-match altercation in many ways was extremely cringeworthy.

I did not like the fact that Ronda Rousey chased after Sasha Banks so that she doesn't get the wrong idea about her intentions. How is she the 'baddest woman on the planet' then?

Her mic work really needs to improve.

#2 Best: Nikki Cross' call up

Cross had a chance to prove just how deranged she is
Cross had a chance to prove just how deranged she is

When The Riott Squad challenged Bayley and Natalya and a partner of their choosing, I groaned. I had a feeling it would be Ember Moon. Having Nikki Cross make her main roster debut on such a stage (if you don't count her one-off UK cameo) was a nice surprise.

I liked the fact that Cross had the chance to show us exactly who she is. She did not wrestle like other superstars do, but was just a power-packed mess of chaos, hurtling at her opponents. I especially liked the apron spot that she did, that we've seen her do in NXT previously.

I have always maintained in the past that Nikki Cross is the real lunatic fringe of WWE. If she gets to showcase her character on a weekly basis, the sky could be the limit.

#2 Worst: The other call-ups

EC3 had the worst NXT call-up anyone could ask for
EC3 had the worst NXT call-up anyone could ask for

Nikki Cross wasn't the only WWE superstar to make her debut this week. Heavy Machinery showed up for a cameo during 'A Moment Of Bliss', later during the show. EC3 was seen outside Vince McMahon's office, yearning for an opportunity.

If you thought these were underwhelming ways to make a debut, check out what Lacey Evans did this week. She was pictured in the background, talking to Dana Brooke during a Finn Balor segment. I would have preferred it had they not debuted these superstars at all, instead of having them debut in this manner.

You only get a small opportunity to create a first impression and in my opinion, this wasn't the way for WWE to showcase these superstars on such a big stage. Not everybody watches NXT, so they may not have even known that Lacey Evans was in the background, this week!

#3 Best: The women's tag team titles

The women of WWE certainly deserve this great opportunity
The women of WWE certainly deserve this great opportunity

Alexa Bliss had a little run-in with a guy who caught her at an inopportune moment, right before 'A Moment of Bliss'. But the show in itself was really special. The Tag Team titles were unveiled. An Elimination Chamber match was announced as well, to decide the inaugural champions.

I love the fact that 'A Moment of Bliss' is being seen as a serious platform. It's not like Miz TV, where more often than not, the segment turns into a joke. Bliss is a good host and while she's on the shelf, this is a good role for her.

As for the women in WWE, they have more than one title per brand to compete for. It's so great to see how far the division has come along, over the years.

Even though a certain Alexa Bliss segment from tonight did remind me of the Attitude Era.

#3 Worst: Braun Strowman loses his Universal Championship opportunity

Poor Monster Among Men!
Poor Monster Among Men!

Braun Strowman is one of the hardest working WWE superstars I've ever had the pleasure of interviewing. I've seen him absolutely jetlagged after a trip to India, performing at the highest level. We all know that he's not 100% in terms of health. And therefore, it's a shame that he had to miss out on the big Universal Championship match.

Let me say that I'm glad that Balor vs. Lesnar is happening. I think it's a far more exciting match than Lesnar vs. Strowman. But even then, you cannot help but feel sorry for the Monster Among Men.

That said, new rumours have emerged about Strowman not being injured and the plan always being for Balor to face Brock Lesnar. I wonder what the long term payoff is then?

All I know is that Strowman must be bummed out!

#4 Best/worst: New Champion crowned

I have mixed feelings about Bobby Lashley as Intercontinental Champion
I have mixed feelings about Bobby Lashley as Intercontinental Champion

So, I know for a fact that Bobby Lashley needed a big title win. He has been booked in nonsense feuds, talking about his sisters or flexing his rear end, ever since his arrival. So I am glad that Bobby Lashley is Champion at last. But I have mixed feelings about the way it happened.

Bobby Lashley won the Intercontinental Championship with Lio Rush's assistance this week. This does not prove that he's a 'Dominator' of any kind or a credible threat for Brock Lesnar in due course of time. He is just yet another cheating heel, who cannot get the job done on his own.

Moreover, Dean Ambrose didn't really have a long run with the title, did he? I felt like his reign ended before it even really got underway.

I end with this adorable picture!

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