No, I did not enjoy RAW at all this week. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough material to write about, especially when covering the 'Bests'. I did struggle but have managed to scrounge up some points to finish this article somehow. Sorry WWE, but this was an off week for you guys.
From Ambrose getting injections on his rear end to jokes about urine, this was a weird episode overall. I was quite exhausted by the end. It's never a good feeling when your audience can't wait for the show to run its course.
Somehow, I'm not feeling the heel faction of Corbin, McIntyre and Lashley with their manager in tow, Lio Rush. They cannot be the centerpiece of RAW, in my opinion.
Let me run through what I liked and disliked on this episode...
#1 Best: The Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge

Yes, I know what you guys are thinking. Ziggler coming out to accept Rollins' open challenge was a dampener, considering he's had many battles with the man. That said, the two men worked hard and put on a great match this week. They proved why Vince McMahon relied on the two of them in this position.
I loved the fact that Rollins pinned Ziggler with the Falcon Arrow. He set up the stomp but eventually got the pin with a move that's traditionally not got him too many victories. The crowd naturally chanted 'this is awesome' when the fight escalated to a crescendo.
In a way, I was glad that Ambrose did not interfere in this match. It would have distracted from what was a great contest overall.
What do you think of Ziggler going solo, without McIntyre in tow?
#1 Worst: No strong babyfaces

Braun Strowman has been written off TV owing to his health concerns. It was great to know that he would be back in time for TLC. Unlike Dean Ambrose, he did not even have to be injected in the posterior region. But Strowman's absence has given rise to a very real issue.
While the heel faction of Lashley, McIntyre and Corbin is very formidable, the protagonists in the story do not match up. Finn Balor and Elias haven't been booked as top guys in quite some time now. They somehow do not match up to the heels.
It's unfortunate that Reigns is not on television right now. He'd have been a great opponent for this devious trio.
I guess we'll have to wait for Cena to return to RAW again to challenge this trio.
#2 Best: Balor vs. Corbin

Sometimes, it's easy to forget just how talented a performer Finn Balor really is. Balor went up against Corbin in the main event match. In the first half of the contest, Balor proved that he's a class apart in terms of performance.
Balor was incredibly fluid when he used his innovative offense to put the acting RAW General Manager away. In fact, I'd even say that Corbin stepped up his game considering how good his opponent seemed. The crowd, which had been dead for most of the evening, finally came alive.
Of course, the contest would devolve into a 2 on 1 handicap match, and Balor would take the pin again. But on one of the weaker episodes of RAW this year, Finn Balor and Baron Corbin, at least tried to steal the show with a great performance.
#2 Worst: Alexa Bliss' open forum segment

It's one thing to not book Sasha and Bayley in the position that they should be booked in. It's another thing to remind us of their potential and how they've been misused. That's exactly what WWE did during the open forum.
This was a painful segment with a plant in the crowd and the WWE Universe did not buy into this segment for a moment. It was a setup for an ambush from Alexa Bliss' friends. It just seemed like a very long-winded way to go about things, I felt.
The tag team of Sasha Banks and Bayley also feels very inconsequential considering that they are not vying for any tag team championships. Why are these two women even in the roster, in kayfabe, as a tag team, if there are no titles to compete for, I wonder?!
#3 Best: Rebuilding Mahal once again

Did any of you watch the AJ Styles '365' documentary on the Network? It reminded me that about a year ago Jinder Mahal was the top star on SmackDown Live. He's had a rapid descent down the ranks since then. I suppose WWE is trying to rebuild him, by having him score a victory over No Way Jose.
Let's hope this streak continues into a meaningful program. No offense to No Way Jose, but he hasn't been portrayed as the most promising superstar in the roster in quite some time. Maybe Mahal can drop his own 'shanti' persona too.
It takes a long time to get a superstar over as a babyface or a heel. To have him come down the ranks again is never a good thing.
Do you guys think that Mahal can be a top star for another run?
#3 Worst: Terrible toilet humour

The Intercontinental Championship wasn't the only title on the line this week. AoP took on Gable and Roode. Drake Maverick would steal Roode's robe and rush to the toilet. He would then urinate on it and flush it down, helping his team win.
I suppose some people like this sort of humour. I personally thought that stealing a robe is not a big enough reason for Roode to get distracted from a title match. The whole segment just seemed very contrived.
Can't Bobby Roode just get himself a new robe? Does WWE not pay their superstars enough for him to afford one?
This week did nobody any favours from the RAW Tag Team Champions who looked very weak to Roode who seemed like a chump and Gable who got buried in this whole saga of lame toilet humour.
#4 Best/worst: Alexa Bliss' authority figure role

I'm glad that Alexa Bliss is an authority figure. It gives her something to do while she is injured. But does this mean that her wrestling career is done? If such is the case it is very scary.
But at the same time, it's good to see Bliss causing all sorts of chaos in the women's division. It makes more sense for her to play the heel here, than Constable Corbin. She has personal stakes in the division and therefore, it makes all the sense for her to wage war against Bayley and Sasha Banks.
I do hope that she does return to the ring however, and does not become another Paige, whose career has been shortened and how! Whatever you may think of her, nobody deserves to have their in-ring career cut short.
Here's hoping for a speedy return!