How does one even say something negative about a show like this, you ask. After all, SmackDown 1000 wasn't just a show but a celebration in the truest sense of the word. Years after it was launched as WWE's second brand, SmackDown marked 1000 episodes with an exceptional show, from Washington DC. There was much to like about the show, this week.
And at the same time, there was a lot to not like as well, in my opinion. I was disappointed by more than one segment from SmackDown 1000, despite all of the positives. I shall separate the good from the bad in this article.
Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments. What did you folks think of the show overall?
One thing that must be said is that the crowd was on fire for the entirety of the evening, and that added a lot to this monumental, historic episode.
#1 Best: The amazing return of Rey Mysterio

When you are away from WWE for a while, it is natural to expect ring rust. Rey Mysterio showed no sign of that at all this week and reminded us just how naturally gifted he is. When you look at him perform all his moves in the middle of the ring, it is sometimes easy to forget that he's 43 years old. I thought Nakamura had his best match against Mysterio, in quite some time.
Although I would generally not approve of beating your champion on TV, I thought this was still okay. Mysterio is a legend in the business and he needed to win his big comeback match. Therefore, I'd call it a best.
How good was the dive from the bottom rope? I'm sure all of you popped when that happened.
#1 Worst: The Undertaker's appearance

How does one even complain about The Undertaker making an appearance, you ask? Well, let me blaspheme by going one step further. I thought The Undertaker's appearance at the end of the show was perhaps the worst thing on all of SmackDown 1000, by a long shot. And this is for no fault of his own at all.
It is clear that the show was running out of time, and The Undertaker needed to make an appearance because he had been advertised for the episode. So the legend came out to say one word and then retreated back to the netherworld where he originally hails from. Which is to say that he walked all the way backstage.
I think a backstage promo could have worked for the Dead Man. This just felt like a waste of time, I felt.
Cena did it right by just sending a video across.
#2 Best: Becky Lynch buries Edge

What would SmackDown 1000 be without Edge, one of the men who built the brand to where it is right now? This week, Edge carried out a very special episode of Cutting Edge, with two guests, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. He pointed out all the similarities between himself and Lynch, how neither was meant to be a top tier superstar.
And then Becky Lynch just turned heel on Edge and asked him to return to the back, and not hurt his neck on the way out. While fans would boo any other performer at this point, they were loud for Lynch. How over is The Irish Lass Kicker?
Charlotte Flair would enter the ring and a melee would ensue. But the fact of the matter is, Lynch may be the best thing in all of WWE currently!
#2 Worst: Missed opportunity?

I promise that this is the last time I will rant about this issue. The final round of the world cup qualifiers took place this week, as Rusev took on The Miz for the coveted seventh spot. Aiden English would rain on Rusev's parade and cost him the match.
At this point, there were 7 Americans in what is essentially being called 'The World Cup'. This is especially disappointing, because WWE had a chance to book a superstar from Bulgaria, who really needed a big push. Unfortunately, while the story was advanced with English's involvement, the concept of the cup somehow got derailed overall.
That said, I'm glad that Rey Mysterio made it to the tournament because of his Latino roots, lending some amount of credibility to the said contest. But let's be honest...even he's American.
#3 Best: Batista vs. Triple H?

It was great to see Evolution reunited, even though they were primarily a stable from RAW. While Randy Orton and Ric Flair played the supporting characters this week, it was really only about two men. And these two men were Triple H and the returning Batista. It did seem like both men would come to blows at one point during this fantastic segment.
Let's look at how the tease came about. Batista, a man who's a legitimate Hollywood star now, cut a promo thanking all the people who'd supported him all the way to the top of the WWE food chain.
And he thanked his comrades, the legendary WWE superstars from Evolution.
And then, out of the blue he mentioned how Triple H had done it all, except beat him. Could this match potentially take place at WrestleMania 35?
#3 Worst: Bryan takes the pin

One of the featured matches at SmackDown 1000 was AJ Styles teaming up with Daniel Bryan to take on The Usos. I never get the idea of competitors teaming up before a match, even if they're both babyfaces. It is very easy to predict how the match will play out then. You know there will be a misunderstanding, leading to utter chaos.
Well, that is still an excusable offense. What I did not care for is how Daniel Bryan took the pin from The Usos, a team that has been relegated to the back of the line. It made him look very weak, heading into the massive Crown Jewel event.
We all know that the WWE Championship has lost its sheen. Did it need to be buried further by having the Number 1 Contender pinned before the big match even took place?
This was a confusing booking decision, honestly.
#4 Best/worst: The title change

Listen, I'm glad that The Bar are the SmackDown Tag Team Champions now. I've thought that The New Day had felt a little stale and the fact that the titles are held by heels opens up many more opportunities for the title. It may make sense for New Day to go to the back of the line, at least for a bit. They'll be a lot fresher when they have another title run.
That said, I did not like The Big Show's interference. We saw the heel turn coming from a mile away, didn't we? As funny as the moment eventually was, I just found it silly.
Will The Big Show be a part of The Bar, going forward? I'm glad to see that he's getting yet another run, but this is a strangely odd fit!
What did you guys think of the show overall?
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