#3 Best: An even contest
When the match between Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and WWE Champion AJ Styles first began, it looked like it would be a squash match. Lesnar was absolutely manhandling AJ Styles, from the moment the match began.
However, AJ Styles got some offence in, and actually grasped Lesnar in a Calf Crusher submission manoeuvre, for which Lesnar sold and how!led It is extremely rare to see Lesnar sell for anyone, much less a guy of AJ Styles' size.
Whenever Brock Lesnar puts in any sort of effort into a match, the match is good. Unfortunately, we hardly see him sell for anyone at all, these days.
As for AJ Styles, he proved once again why he's the best wrestler in the world, playing the part of David perfectly, against Goliath.