#9 The Muppets

In 2011, the WWE was experimenting with guest hosts for RAW. Some, like William Shatner, were well received. Others, not so much.
A surprising turn of events led to a guest hosting gig by Jim Henson productions' Muppets characters.
Hornswoggle had some hilarious interactions with the stuffed puppet characters, but the funniest moment was probably The Celtic Warrior Sheamus claiming to be genetically related to the red haired Beaker Muppet, as well as the two feisty old men curmudgeons who criticize every nuance of pretty much everything.
The special Halloween night presentation was seen by many as a harbinger of the PG era to the WWE.
The only reason this guest stint didn't appear higher is the surprising decision not to have John Cena extensively interact with the Muppet characters. Given his appeal to children, WWE might have considered a longer segment with them.
Many critics believe that the guest host setup of the WWE did more damage to the business than good. But the WWE always saw the business side of things and they didn't complain.