#2 Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins- Hell in a Cell 2014

While I've tried avoiding repeat match-ups on this list, it would have been criminal to not list Ambrose's clash with Rollins at Hell in a Cell in 2014.
The hell in a cell gimmick has lost some of its magic in recent years, but Ambrose and Rollins reminded the world exactly what the match is meant to be about.
This purpose of this match was to draw an end to their feud, and it certainly did just that. The two men beat each other from pillar to post, utilising the match's gimmick well and giving us one of the best hell in a cell matches in recent memory.
The finish, which saw Bray Wyatt interfere and cost Ambrose, feels a little misjudged, but there is no taking away from the quality of the rest of the bout.