#3 John Cena(c) vs Umaga - WWE Title (Royal Rumble 2007)
If the today's generation was left fascinated by the destructive nature of Braun Strowman during the initial stages of his singles run, our generation had the same fascination with Umaga when he debuted back in 2006. Aggressive, Agile and Destructive, this Samoan Bulldozer, accompanied by Armando Estrada, was running wild through the entire Raw roster before he came face to face with John Cena.
Even though Cena somehow defeated him with a roll up at New Year's Revolution to end his undefeated streak, it was Royal Rumble in 2007 that witnessed the end of this fantastic David v Goliath rivalry. The inclusion of the injury angle, where Umaga had injured Cena's spleen before the match, added more intrigue to their Title Match at Rumble 2007.
Cena took a lot of beating throughout the match. Both men tasted steel as both went face first into the steel steps, which also busted Cena open. Umaga, too, got his head squashed between ring post and TV monitor before crashing through the announce table. After smashing Umaga with the steel turnbuckle, Cena wrapped the rope around his neck, knocking him out for the 10 count and claiming the win.