#8 Roman Reigns vs John Cena's war of words

Not a heel promo. No. John Cena doesn't turn heel. Ever.
These promos did, however, bring out a side of Cena that has rarely been seen since his Thuganomics days. It was fresh, biting, and savage. He made Roman Reigns look like an amateur, and the promo was reminiscent of the Rock-Cena rivalry in its early days when John Cena was the newbie and The Rock was the reigning Superstar.
The only problem was that Roman's mic skills weren't strong enough to keep up with John Cena. The comebacks that could have been great, ended up being generic and monosyllable. If Reigns was a bit more skilled with the mic, this could have been comparable with the Cena-Rock feud. Instead, it ended up being a highly enjoyable but brief burial of Reigns' mic skills.
Here's a brief glimpse of some of the most savage Cena moments from 11th and 28th September of Raw:
Did someone turn up the heat in here?