The WWE has been home to many memorable moments throughout its history. Whether it was "Stone Cold" Steve Austin driving a truck to the ring and soaking the Rock and Vince McMahon in beer or Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka jumping off the top of the cage back in the early 80s, there has been no shortage of jaw-dropping moments in the WWE that made us say "Oh my god!"(Insert Joey Styles voice).
Here are the top 10 moments in the WWE that made me say "Oh my god!"
#10 Nexus debuts

John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
The debut of the Nexus and its execution was one of the better OMG moments post-Attitude Era in WWE. The Nexus consisted of eight rookies from season one of the NXT TV series - Michael Tarver, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Darren Young, Daniel Bryan, Skip Sheffield and their leader Wade Barrett.
In their shocking debut, Wade Barrett made his way down the ramp while the other seven members hopped over the barricade through the crowd. The Nexus then laid waste to CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society before setting their sights on John Cena and surrounded the ring.
After mugging Cena, the Nexus destroyed everything at ringside including Matt Stryker and Jerry Lawler.
The crowd fell silent as the assault continued and Nexus destroyed the announce tables, the ringside crew and the ring before Barrett hit Wasteland on Cena followed by a 450 splash by Gabriel. This moment was one of the greatest debuts of all time. Unfortunately for the Nexus, the angle was completely ruined by the creative team.
#9 Vince's limo explodes

One of the OMG moments that is almost among taboo to even speak of is when Vince McMahon got into his limo and it blew up. Mr. McMahon's character was to be written off of television and they set up a send off that resembled the Soprano's finale.
When Vince left the arena and entered the limo, it exploded, in a sombre moment to send RAW off the air. This storyline was completely dropped after the real-life tragedy of the Chris Benoit murder-suicide as Vince McMahon had to make a public statement following both incidents.
To this day we have no clue what direction this angle could have gone but it was so shocking that people in the arena and watching on television called 911 to save the CEO of their beloved company.
#8 Pillman's got a gun!

In what is commonly described as the "Craziest moment in Raw history" is definitely worthy of a spot on all OMG list. Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin took the WWE to controversial heights with just a single segment.
In 1996, Pillman signed with the WWE and aligned with his good friend Steve Austin. As time went by, Pillman started to side with Bret "The Hitman" Hart which led to Austin attacking Pillman. Austin and Pillman went back and forth for a few months and then the segment happened.
Pillman was at home with an injury and Kevin Kelly sat in Pillman's home with a camera crew and Pillman's family. Pillman had his friends surrounding the house to protect him from Austin in case he showed up. Which he did. Austin was attacked by Pillman's friends as soon as he arrived, but tore through them and then broke into Pillman's home.
Pillman aimed a pistol and pointed it at Austin. The camera feed then disrupted but was restored and viewers witnessed Pillman's friends dragging Austin away from the house while Pillman continued to point the gun at him. Pillman said "kill that son of a bitch!" and also said "get out of the fucking way!" on live television.
This segment almost got the WWE taken off of the USA Network as nobody told them a gun was going to be involved, and the WWE apologised for the segment.
#7 Edge spears Jeff Hardy

The Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz, and Edge and Christian were the absolute pinnacle when it came to innovation for the WWE's tag team division. The concept of a tables, ladders and chairs match came from these three teams and after the home run they hit in their first TLC match, they all knew they had to raise the bar for TLC 2 at Wrestlemania X-Seven.
In a match full of crazy crashes and high spots, the most memorable moment came when Jeff Hardy climbed the ladder and grabbed the tag team titles from above the ring. Bubba Ray Dudley then removed the ladder and Jeff was stuck suspended above the ring.
Edge climbed to the top of another ladder in the corner of the ring and leapt into Hardy with a vicious spear sending both men crashing to the mat about 15 feet below.
#6 WWE buys WCW
The Monday Night Wars were monumental for professional wrestling. After a long battle against rival WCW in a ratings war that almost put Vince McMahon out of business, he finally purchased his rival and took over the wrestling for good.
The final night of the Monday Night Wars occurred on March 26, 2001, when Monday Night RAW was finishing its build for Wrestlemania X-Seven.
Mr. McMahon opened Nitro and said there would be a simulcast to address the company's future and throughout the night teased the crowds by firing WCW talents and saying he would make the purchase official at Wrestlemania when he signs the contract.
Shane McMahon appeared on Nitro and kayfabe purchased WCW behind his dad's back. This moment was huge as it ended the long fought ratings war and also doubled the WWE's roster with the addition of WCW talent.
#5 Randy Savage bitten by a Cobra!

In 1991, we saw Jake "the Snake" Roberts' character begin to travel down a dark sadistic path after his feud with Earthquake led to the death of his beloved python Damien, leading to our next OMG moment.
After teaming briefly with The Undertaker in a feud with the Ultimate Warrior, Roberts set his sights back on the Macho Man, who was only an announcer at the time because of losing a retirement match. Roberts came to the ring for a quick squash match then goaded Savage from the announcer's table to the ring.
While a referee distracted Savage, he was blindsided by Roberts who then tied him up in the ring ropes and went to his infamous snake bag. Roberts pulled out a live king cobra and then in a grisly scene, latched onto the arm of the Macho Man. As blood poured from the arm of Savage, the snake continued to sink in deeper to where Roberts couldn't get the snake to let go.
After a brief struggle, Roberts released the snake and taunted the paramedics and Rowdy Roddy Piper came coming to the aide of Savage. Savage freed himself from the ropes and went to attack Roberts but the kayfabe venom of the snake altered his abilities and he collapsed.
Savage was taken from the ring while Roberts sat in the corner laughing, as the cobra slithered around the ring leaving the arena shocked and children in tears.
#4 Hulk Hogan Drops Title to Andre the Giant

This is one of the less talked about OMG moments but given the magnitude of the match, it is very memorable on my list. In the first prime-time network television match since 1955, over 33 million television viewers tuned in to see Hulk Hogan take on Andre the Giant for Hogan's WWE Championship.
After failing to purchase the WWE Championship from Hogan, "the Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase devised a scheme to have Andre the Giant win the title for him and then hand it over. To ensure that this plan was foolproof, DiBiase hired the twin brother of Dave Hebner, who was supposed to be the original referee.
Earl Hebner, who filled in for his brother, counted to three after Hogan clearly got his shoulder up at two and the controversy ensued. The damage was done however as Hogan lost the WWE Championship, but DiBiase didn't get his wish either as it was stated that when Andre tried to hand over the title, he actually vacated it, leading to a WWE Championship Tournament at Wrestlemania IV.
#3 Piper hits Snuka with a coconut

The infamous Piper's Pit segment that in no way, shape, or form would be accepted today is definitely on the OMG list. In this segment, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka was invited on as a guest and Piper began to berate and insult Snuka on what many would deem a racist tirade, in today's day-and-age.
As Piper continued to insult Snuka he was asked by Snuka "Are you making fun of me?" Piper said, "No, I'm not making fun of you" and grabbed a coconut and broke it over Snuka's head and began to assault him, creating a moment that will forever be etched into the fans memories.
Snuka stumbled back and brought the entire set of Piper's Pit crashing to the ground. Piper then took a banana and smeared it into Snuka's face as he continued to insult him before grabbing a belt and whipping "Superfly".
Piper then spat on Snuka and walked to a door and closed himself him as an infuriated Snuka tried to break the door down to end the segment.
#2 Montreal Screwjob

The "Montreal Screwjob" is widely believed to be a blatant on-screen betrayal of Bret "The Hitman" Hart, who at the time was one of the WWE's longest-tenured and most popular performers of all time.
Hart had recently won the WWE championship in August of 1997, but the news broke that "the Hitman" signed a deal to work for rival WCW in December of the same year. Hart refused to drop the title to Shawn Michaels, who he had a personal grudge against.
So Hart, Michaels and Vince McMahon agreed that the match at Survivor Series would end in a disqualification and then Hart would drop the title at a later date. Vince, however, thought that Hart would take the title to the rival WCW and decided to put the belt on Michaels without Hart's knowledge.
The match went on as scheduled and everything seemed to be normal until Michaels applied the Sharpshooter to Hart and referee Earl Hebner called for the bell at the request of Vince McMahon. Michaels and Hart were just as shocked as the viewers and when Hart realised what happened he was visibly upset and spit right into the face of McMahon.
Hart did not return to the WWE after the screw job for another 12 years, before returning to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
To this day, the screwjob remains one of the most infamous double-crosses in the history of pro wrestling and a permanent OMG moment.
#1 Undertaker vs Mankind Hell In A Cell

Number one on my list is probably number one on everybody's. Who can ever forget this match when it took place? The entire match was essentially one big OMG moment as the heated rivalry between Undertaker and Mankind took its most brutal turn.
From Boiler Room Brawls to Buried Alive matches, the Undertaker and Mankind always were involved in highly physical and violent matches, but their Hell In a Cell match makes everything else they've ever done to one another seem less chaotic.
The 1998 King of the Ring pay-per-view will remain etched in our minds as fans forever because of this match. Mankind was out first and he tossed a chair to the top of the Cell and climbed to the top. Undertaker joined him on top of the Cell after his entrance and the two began to brawl back in forth atop the structure.
The Undertaker then threw Mankind from the top of the Cell crashing through the Spanish announcers' table. Jim Ross made the iconic call of "Good God almighty! Good God almighty! That killed him! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!"
Mankind dislocated his shoulder as a result of the fall and after being stretchered to the back he made his way back down the ramp and back to the top of the Cell with the Undertaker.
The two went back and forth again on top of the diabolical structure when the Undertaker chokeslammed Mankind causing the cell's roof panel to give way sending Mankind crashing hard onto the ring below. Jim Ross again made another memorable call saying "Good God... Good God! Will somebody stop the damn match? Enough's enough!"

The top of the cell was never intended to break and the Undertaker has since stated that he thought Mankind was dead following the fall through the top of the cell. Mankind was knocked unconscious and his life long friend Terry Funk and WWE personnel rushed to the ring to check on the battered Mankind. Funk stated that he thought he watched his friend die, so he rushed out to the ring to make sure he was still alive.
Mankind also stated that had he taken the chokeslam properly he would have died, but thankfully he didn't land properly as he normally would and that actually saved his life. The TV cameras focused on Mankind's face as he was sitting in the corner of the ring and there was a tooth that clearly pushed through his lip and into his nose from the chair that hit him in the face after the fall which also dislocated his jaw.
ou would think that after these two massive falls, there is no way a human being could possibly continue, but the match went on a little longer with Mankind trying to mount a brief comeback.
He dumped a bag of thumbtacks onto the mat and then applied the mandible claw to the Undertaker who then picked up Mankind and backdropped him into the tacks. Mankind got back to his feet and was then chokeslammed onto the tacks before finally being Tombstoned and pinned by the Undertaker ending one of the most barbaric matches in the history of the WWE.