#5 Randy Savage bitten by a Cobra!

In 1991, we saw Jake "the Snake" Roberts' character begin to travel down a dark sadistic path after his feud with Earthquake led to the death of his beloved python Damien, leading to our next OMG moment.
After teaming briefly with The Undertaker in a feud with the Ultimate Warrior, Roberts set his sights back on the Macho Man, who was only an announcer at the time because of losing a retirement match. Roberts came to the ring for a quick squash match then goaded Savage from the announcer's table to the ring.
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While a referee distracted Savage, he was blindsided by Roberts who then tied him up in the ring ropes and went to his infamous snake bag. Roberts pulled out a live king cobra and then in a grisly scene, latched onto the arm of the Macho Man. As blood poured from the arm of Savage, the snake continued to sink in deeper to where Roberts couldn't get the snake to let go.
After a brief struggle, Roberts released the snake and taunted the paramedics and Rowdy Roddy Piper came coming to the aide of Savage. Savage freed himself from the ropes and went to attack Roberts but the kayfabe venom of the snake altered his abilities and he collapsed.
Savage was taken from the ring while Roberts sat in the corner laughing, as the cobra slithered around the ring leaving the arena shocked and children in tears.