#2 Paul Heyman

This was is actually an ironic entrant because it is reportedly Paul Heyman himself who believes the TV General Manager role has been heavily played out over the years. Despite this, he is arguably the best fit.
Paul Heyman is arguably the best non-wrestler WWE TV character in history. The genius behind ECW, WWE creative in 2001 - 2003 and on RAW today, Heyman's TV presence is every bit as phenomenal as his work behind the scenes. Before, during and after his various times as Brock Lesnar's advocate, Paul Heyman had also served as the General Manager of SmackDown and the WWE ECW brand.
Heyman was a highly entertaining heel authority figure, taking over where Vince McMahon had left off when he departed TV as a regular. This is where I think he would still be best suited today. Yes, he does still serve as advocate for Brock Lesnar, but Heyman is such a remarkable presence on TV that we need more of him, and the most consistent would be returning to his former fabulous role as GM.
It would work well with real life to as everyone already knows his actual position with WWE as Executive Director of RAW. Everything about this just fits into place.