#5 Charlotte Vs. Sasha Banks
In a few years time when we’ve had the adequate space to be able to assess how successful the women’s revolution was for WWE, one storyline we will look back on with mixed thoughts will be Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks in 2016/17.
In many ways, these two are seen as the senior members of the Four Horsewomen faction that emerged from NXT at the beginning of the ‘Give Divas a Chance’ fan campaign. They were clearly the most gifted of the four and were the most believable as champions. When the two were put together to feud over the RAW Women’s Championship, many fans were understandably excited.
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While some have spoken about this rivalry as a demonstration of ‘hot potato’ championship victories, in which the title seemingly changed hands every time they met, the matches they had were all pretty solid, some of them actually great. They competed in the first ever women’s hell in a cell match as well, which was another important stepping stone for the advancement of the WWE women’s roster.
The storyline was effective mostly because of its simplicity. There wasn’t much personal animosity with real life events being incorporated, the two just had a healthy competitive rivalry and, at least on Charlotte’s part, quite a lot of arrogance and self-imposed privilege.
The two women came out of the feud in much better positions compared with where they started, and helped kickstart the women’s division after the somewhat confused beginnings it had when Stephanie McMahon decided to put three teams together in random fashion.