10 best world title matches in Wrestlemania history

Does either of their WWE title match make it to the list?
Does either of their WWE title match make it to the list?

WWE gave their fans probably the biggest gift they could have expected when Shinsuke Nakamura won the men's Royal Rumble match. Not only will it give Nakamura, WWE's biggest babyface at this moment, much needed momentum after disastrous booking throughout the last year, but it gave the fans their dream match, the much-anticipated clash between 'The King of Strong Style' and 'The Phenomenal One' AJ Styles.


The fact that the match would be for the WWE Title is the icing on the cake. Legends in their own right, both Nakamura and Styles are capable of producing an instant classic if given ample amount of time. On the Raw side, it is all but confirmed that Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns would clash for the Big Red Belt. The last time these two clashed in a singles match, they exceeded all the expectations to deliver a memorable world title match at Wrestlemania.


Wrestlemania, over the years, has been home to some of the best World Title matches, matches that are still fresh in the memories of all the fans till date. With two potential show-stealing World Title matches on the horizon for Wrestlemania, we might see another match added to that list very soon. It's time to take a look at those World Title Matches at Wrestlemania that blew the roof of the arena/stadium that night.


Honourable Mentions

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage for WWF Title (Wrestlemania V)

Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin for WWF Title (Wrestlemania XIV)

Chris Jericho vs Edge for World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XXVI)

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho for WWE Title (Wrestlemania XXVIII)

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins (Wrestlemania 31)

#10 John Cena vs Shawn Michaels for WWE Title (Wrestlemania 23)

The Main Event of Wrestlemania 23.
The Main Event of Wrestlemania 23

There's a reason why Wrestlemania 23 was, for a long time, the highest grossing wrestling pay per view of all time. It had the Battle of Billionaires as the special attraction, a thrilling money in the bank ladder match and Two classic world title matches(more on the other later). The responsibility of closing the mega event was handed over to John Cena and Shawn Michaels and boy, did they deliver.


Often overshadowed by their hour-long clash on Raw just a month later, Michaels and Cena delivered an outstanding 30 minutes clash at Wrestlemania. Cena was in the midst of his year-long reign and Michaels was, well, Michaels. From close pins to that piledriver on the steel steps to the memorable closing sequence where Cena forced Michaels to submit after a long struggle, everything about this match has pure magic written all over it.


#9 Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan for WWE World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XXX)

The Pinnacle of Daniel Bryan's WWE career.
The Pinnacle of Daniel Bryan's WWE career

Never since Stone Cold had a WWE superstar achieved the level of popularity that Daniel Bryan achieved in 2014. The Yes! Movement was so strong and powerful in 2014 that WWE had to alter their original Wrestlemania plans after the Rumble winner Batista was booed out of the building. Such was Daniel Bryan's popularity that his inclusion in the World Title match meant made the match even bigger than a Wrestlemania match featuring the Undertaker.


Already banged up following his slobber-knocker showdown with Triple H earlier that night, Daniel Bryan had the uphill task of defeating two proven headliners in Batista and Randy Orton. The support and reaction from the crowd towards Bryan, especially when Triple H interfered and then got knocked out by his own sledgehammer, took the contest to a whole new level. This was 24 minutes of perfect wrestling story-telling.

The most memorable moment came when Bryan was powerbombed/RKOed through the announce table in an awesome sequence. Few running knees, a couple of RKOs and a successful yes! lock attempt and Daniel Bryan was finally at the top of the world. The night, where the most famous streak in sports history came to an end, will always be remembered for its memorable finish.


#8 - Batista vs The Undertaker for World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania 23)

This is how the stunning showdown ended.
This is how the stunning showdown ended

Although The Undertaker was 14-0 at Wrestlemania till 2006, he had not yet had that one breathtaking match at The Show of Shows. His Rumble victory in 2007 gave him the opportunity to finally challenge for the top title at Wrestlemania. His opponent, Batista, had been the blue brand's top guy for the past two years, on par with John Cena in the organization but despite the Rumble winner involved in this matchup, it was relegated to the mid-card for some weird reason. Rumours are Batista and Taker were not happy with this decision and decided to make most of the time they were given and boy, what a treat it was for fans.


The crowd was red hot for both the superstars even before the bell rang. Neither of the two were great in-ring technicians, yet they managed to produce a clinical contest. Batista started straight with a spear, something that we saw a few more times during the 16-minute showdown. The moment of the match came when Batista powerslammed The Deadman through the announce table. Batista even tried the spinebuster/Batista-bomb combination late in the match, but 'Taker finally hit the Tombstone Piledriver to register his 15th Wrestlemania win. So good was this encounter that it even overshadowed the subsequent Battle of the Billionaires as well as the Main Event. These two would go on to have one of the most memorable rivalries of 2007, but their first encounter still ranks as their best.


#7 Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior for WWF World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania VI)

The Clash of the Titans.
The Clash of the Titans

The modern generation, in the past 10 years, has witnessed quite a few clashes of two big babyfaces. Be it Cena-Reigns at No Mercy 2017, Cena-Punk at Summerslam 2011 or Cena- Batista at Summerslam 2008 (quite a few Cena matches, eh?), the anticipation of such matches is always a few notches above than regular pay per view matches. The fact that the clash between Hogan and Warrior was the first time that two biggest babyfaces at the time clashes automatically took the buzz to a whole new level.


The stage was set for Wrestlemania VI. Hogan was the WWF Champion and Warrior was the IC Champion. The showdown, titled 'The Ultimate Challenge', was a Winner-take-all match. From the first bell to the finish bell, it was a face-off between two equals. The red-hot crowd reacted to every single maneuver - from shoulder blocks to clotheslines, to every kick and punch. This is what took the match between two average in-ring performers to the level of a certified classic. After almost 23 minutes, a new superstar was born that night, although for only one year, as Warrior did the unthinkable as he pinned Hogan down on the mat cleanly following the ultimate splash.


#6 Ric Flair vs Randy Savage for WWF World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania VIII)

The Macho-Flair Affair.
The Macho-Flair Affair

Wrestlemania VIII was the first time the main event of Wrestlemania did not involve the reigning WWF champion. Even though the event is billed as the only pay per view with two main events, the WWF Title match came almost an hour before the show's closure. Savage and Flair had been involved in a heated rivalry where Flair alleged that he had a relationship with Miss Elizabeth, Savage's wife, and all this added more buzz to an already hyped WWF Title match.


From the starting bell, the champion was in control due to interference from Mr. Perfect. Flair controlled the first half of the match before Savage gained momentum with a neckbraker. An ax handle outside the ring resulted in Flair getting busted open, but even Savage's diving elbow drop couldn't keep Flair down. Flair tried to lock in the figure four lock but Savage countered and rolled Flair up for the win as the red-hot crowd in Indianapolis witnessed an 18 minutes gem between two of the greatest to ever grace the wrestling ring.


#5 Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar for WWE Title (Wrestlemania XIX)

The glorious match remembered for this infamous botch.
The glorious match remembered for this infamous botch

In 2003, Kurt Angle was the best WWE in-ring performer. The man was capable of having a good to great match with any wrestler. His opponent, Brock Lesnar, was one of the best pure in-ring athletes and was in the midst of a monstrous push as the next big thing. The fact that this match went last, even after Hogan-McMahon and Rock-Austin, is enough to prove that the WWE management had trust in these two Smackdown superstars to send the crowd happy and satisfied with a sensational outing. The build-up created a lot of buzzes, with Angle, the heel champion, losing the belt if he is disqualified or counted out


With two former amateur wrestlers in the ring, the match started with a lot of grappling and takedowns. Angle targeted the taped ribs of Lesnar with suplexes and Lesnar counter attacked with powerslams and bodyslams. Rope breaks followed submission moves and finishing moves were followed by close calls. Lesnar finally gained the upper hand with a second F-5, which was succeeded by the infamous spot, where Lesnar botched a shooting star press, supposedly the planned finish, and nearly broke his neck. A third F-5 followed soon to end the 21-minute long gripping contest that had the fans on their feet throughout the match.


#4 Edge vs Undertaker for World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XXIV)

The only Streak vs Streak encounter.
The only Streak vs Streak encounter

In 2007, Edge was the most hated heel in WWE. His Money in the Bank cash-in on a beaten, bloodied Deadman made him the top villain on the blue brand. By the end of the year, these two, along with Batista, were involved in a heated three-way rivalry over the World Heavyweight Title.


With Edge holding the title and 'Taker winning the Elimination Chamber match to earn a title shot at Wrestlemania, the stage was set for the showdown between two superstars who were undefeated at Wrestlemania (Edge in single competition). For Edge, it was a chance to prove that he could end the legendary streak. For Undertaker, it was all about regaining his holy grail from which he was robbed several times by his opponent in the past year.


Closing the Show of Shows, the two wrestled an evenly contested match full of near falls and counter attacks. Spears were reversed into Chokeslams, Last Rides into Neckbreakers and Tombstone Piledrivers into Edgecutions. With the Referee knocked down, Edge attacked 'Taker with a camera, a deja vu from Survivor Series, but the Undertaker fought back with another Tombstone while a new referee ran to the ring in a jaw-dropping sequence. Interference from Ryder and Hawkins allowed Edge to hit a spear for a close call. A second spear followed, which was countered into a Hell's Gate submission, giving Undertaker his second successive World Title victory at Wrestlemania. A jaw-dropping encounter, this 24 minute classic was the last time a Smackdown match was the main event of Wrestlemania.


#3 Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels for WWF World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XII)

The Longest Match in Wrestlemania History.
The Longest Match in Wrestlemania History

Shawn Michaels triumphant return at Royal Rumble, after a teased retirement following a concussion in late, was the beginning of the memorable run for the Heartbreak Kid. His subsequent victory meant he would face the World Champion Bret Hart at Wrestlemania. With the added stipulation of the first ever 60-minute Iron man match, the match was no longer about winning, it was about surviving. It was about proving who the Best Wrestler in the company was.


The contest was a plodding affair during the first half, with both superstars trying to wear each other down while preserving their strength. The match picked up the pace in the latter stage, with both superstars trying hard to earn the first pinfall of the match. With less than a minute left, Hart trapped Michaels in the sharpshooter, but Michaels somehow managed to hold on. With the score tied 0-0, the match went into sudden death as Michaels finally scored the ultimate pinfall at 61 minutes and 57 seconds after a Sweet Chin Music to Hart. The Boyhood dream came true, Michaels was finally the World Champion and The WWE Fans witnessed the greatest World Title match of all time(only till then).


#2 The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin for WWF Title (Wrestlemania X-Seven)

The day Austin sold his soul to the Satan himself.
The day Austin sold his soul to the Satan himself

Wrestlemania X-Seven was a very interesting affair for the then WWF. Attitude Era was slowly coming to an end and WWE was presenting probably the best match card they could ever present. And who better than the two superstars who symbolized WWE's most successful period the event that finally concluded that era. Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rumble Winner, and The Rock, The WWE Champion, were no strangers, having competed in the main event of Wrestlemania two years ago. This time, however, it was a clash of two biggest babyfaces at the time, a match to determine who the better man was. The pre-match promo still stands as the best promo ever made for a WWE match.


So much was the intensity and animosity that the two started trading blows even before the bell rang. The action then moved into the audience for a while after which The People's Champ got busted open with a shot on the forehead with the ring bell. Austin took control of the match, hitting Rock with jabs and kicks, completely dismantling The Rock. The Rock gained momentum with a Clothesline, hitting Austin on the exposed turnbuckle and returned the favor with a ring bell shot on the head.


The crowd cheered for both as they fought outside the ring. The Rock locked in the sharpshooter but Austin reversed into a sharpshooter of his own. Austin locked in the Million Dollar Dream but Rock retaliated with a Stunner to Austin. Then came the twist! Mr. McMahon approached the ring and broke the pinfall as the Rock hit the People's Elbow. In the swerve of the century, Austin turned heel, hitting Rock with a chair shot to the body which McMahon gave to him. Pinning The Rock in the middle of the ring after a 28-minute slugfest, The Biggest Babyface in history finally joined hands with the Biggest Villain of all time as WWE bade adieu to its most memorable era.


#1 Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit for World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XX)

The Greatest Triple Threat of all Time.
The Greatest Triple Threat Match of all Time

Chris Benoit was never the type of wrestler who had what it takes to be the top guy. He was one of the best in-ring performer, no doubt, but lacked the charisma that WWE wanted in its top superstars. Hence his Rumble victory, following an Iron-Man performance, was a pleasant surprise for the fans who were aware of his in-ring credentials. His opponents, Triple H and Shawn Michaels had been embroiled in a heated rivalry for the past 2 years. Hence it made perfect sense for the two of them to finally end their rivalry on the Grand Stage. The stage was set for a spectacular triple threat showdown at Madison Square Garden.


Michaels and Benoit started with some technical wrestling before Triple H interfered and the action moved outside, where Michaels hit a moonsault on both Benoit and HHH. With the crowd firmly behind Benoit, he delivered his trifecta of German suplexes on HHH. Taking advantage, Benoit applied the crippler crossface but Michaels immediately broke it. Benoit retaliated with German suplexes and diving headbutt on Michaels. A catapult into the ring post busted Michaels open. HHH broke another crippler crossface attempt and took Benoit outside the ring.


In a memorable sequence, Michaels and HHH teamed up to suplex Benoit through the announce table. HHH too got busted open after his skull crashed into the ring post. He fought back with a pedigree for a close call but Benoit broke the pinfall attempt. Benoit had the match won with a sharpshooter on HHH but Michaels came back with a superkick to Benoit. Backdroping Michaels out of the ring, Benoit reversed a pedigree attempt into the crippler crossface and, after one of the longest submission sequences, managed to force HHH to submit.

After 25 minutes of awe-inspiring wrestling, Chris Benoit was finally on the top of the mountain. With tears in his eyes, he was congratulated by WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero in the middle of the ring as the fans in New York witnessed the greatest World Title Match in Wrestlemania History.

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Edited by Akhilesh Tirumala
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