#3 Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels for WWF World Heavyweight Title (Wrestlemania XII)

Shawn Michaels triumphant return at Royal Rumble, after a teased retirement following a concussion in late, was the beginning of the memorable run for the Heartbreak Kid. His subsequent victory meant he would face the World Champion Bret Hart at Wrestlemania. With the added stipulation of the first ever 60-minute Iron man match, the match was no longer about winning, it was about surviving. It was about proving who the Best Wrestler in the company was.
The contest was a plodding affair during the first half, with both superstars trying to wear each other down while preserving their strength. The match picked up the pace in the latter stage, with both superstars trying hard to earn the first pinfall of the match. With less than a minute left, Hart trapped Michaels in the sharpshooter, but Michaels somehow managed to hold on. With the score tied 0-0, the match went into sudden death as Michaels finally scored the ultimate pinfall at 61 minutes and 57 seconds after a Sweet Chin Music to Hart. The Boyhood dream came true, Michaels was finally the World Champion and The WWE Fans witnessed the greatest World Title match of all time(only till then).