6. Hirooki Goto

Hirooki Goto makes this list not because of just one finisher. Instead, Goto is known for having a wide array of awesome and devastating finishers that he has used over the course of his career. As a powerful wrestler, Goto has used a wide array of finishing moves during his 15-year career. These have included:
The Shouten, a vertical Suplex into a side slam that Matt Morgan wishes he could do:
The Goto Revolution (GTR), a vicious lariat/backbreaker combo move:
The Go To Heaven, a stronger version of Kurt Angle’s Angle Slam:
The Goto Shiki, a modified cradle (yes, Goto makes a basic wrestling cradle look awesome) and the Kaiten, a Code Red from the top rope:
The Ura Shouten, a move Goto created that’s so powerful it’s a broken move in WWE 2K17:
Although Goto hasn’t managed to reach the top of the mountain NJPW (think of him as a NJPW version of Cesaro in WWE), he has been consistent in his position in the company’s upper mid-card for many years. Part of that stems from his penchant for putting on great matches, which itself is helped by his wide variety of awesome moves that any WWE superstar would love to start using.