4. Randy Orton - The RKO

This move is one of the few wrestling moves to have actually transcended the niche world of wrestling and become popular in mainstream culture. Since the late 2000s, WWE have booked Randy Orton to hit the RKO ‘out of nowhere’, and some of these moments have become immortalized in WWE history.
After all, who can forget when Orton literally RKO’ed Evan Bourne while Bourne was in mid-air executing a Shooting Star Press.
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This simple yet awesome move has led to the internet meme of ‘RKO Outta Nowhere’, which features an image of Orton superimposed onto various videos of people falling, with the presumption that Orton himself is literally RKO’ing them after appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
Even now, as Orton transitions into a lesser role in WWE, you can be sure he’ll still be getting the crowd to go wild whenever he hits that now-world-famous RKO of his.