#6 Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker - No Mercy 2002

The Undertaker losing his legendary WrestleMania streak to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 in 2014 might be what everyone will always remember from the matches and feud of these two, but this Hell in A Cell bloodbath will always be their finest encounter.
Where before Taker took Shawn Michaels, Mankind and Rikishi outside of the Cell for moments that made those matches truly epic, Taker and Brock stayed inside for all near 30 minutes of this often underrated stunner.
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The match was just pure violence. Both men were covered in blood long before the match ended, in fact, there was so much blood that even Paul Heyman, who was outside the Cell, bled like a stuffed pig. We have a lot of use from a steel chair, several power moves, and some near fall from the Chokeslam and Last Ride.
Much like Wrestlemania 30, Brock reverses an attempted Tombstone into an F-5 for the win. Brock and Taker would go at it again n another Hell in A Cell match 13 years later in 2015, but as great as that was, it still doesn't hold a candle to this gem.