#4 Bret Hart turns on ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and the WWE Universe- WrestleMania 13, 1997

Considered as one of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time, this classic submission match between Bret Hart and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin from 1997 had all the elements in it and also proved to be a vital match for the WWE (then WWF) in the basis of their long-term future.
Hart and Austin wrestled each other to an absolute 22-minute classic match with Ken Shamrock serving as the guest referee to this amazing showdown, which at times is also labeled as the beginning of The Attitude Era in the WWE.
Coming into this match, Bret Hart was one of the biggest babyfaces of all time and was pretty much billed as a hero to the entire WWE Universe, however, at WrestleMania 13, at the Grandest Stage of Them All, Hart finally decided to betray his vast fan following when he brutalized ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin by making ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ pass out in his own pool of blood.
The closing stages of this match will always go down as one of the most iconic and memorable moments in WWE history, thanks to Austin’s tremendous show of heart and resiliency that eventually led to one of the best double turns in history of Professional Wrestling, as fans started to cheer for ‘Stone Cold’ and started booing Bret Hart for his despicable actions.