#4 Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle - WrestleMania XIX

Everyone knew Lesnar was winning this one. He was the handpicked next face of the company at the time and Angle shouldn't have even been wrestling due to his practically broken neck at the time, yet the two managed to pull off an outstanding match. WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart has even referred to it as his favourite WWE match this century.
The Beast Incarnate kicked out of the Angle Slam and the Olympic Gold Medalist became the first superstar to kick out of the F-5. At one point Angle gave him a German Suplex and Lesnar sold it by flipping on his stomach, which was just an incredible sight.
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The most famous and incredible moment came when Lesnar amazingly attempted to hit a Shooting Star Press and landed directly on his head, nearly killing himself. Bonus points for regaining conscious with enough time to hit one more F-5 for the win.
Angle hugging Lesnar after the bout and raising his hand was also a nice touch.