10 Best WWE Pay-Per-Views: 2000 - 2002

Some incredible events
Some incredible events

You should always expect to see some pretty damn good wrestling matches from WWE on a weekly basis throughout all of their weekly programmings, especially in today's situation.


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However, the WWE Universe always expect the best matches to be saved for WWE's monthly pay-per-views, and that is because they generally are.

WWE PPVs can be any fans highlight of the month because we quite often get to see so many great matches.

These can be big storyline pay-offs, a bout to extend a feud or even one that was just thrown together last minute. Regardless, it is more often than not that these are the matches you think of when you think of the year's best.


With that said, I will be looking over some of the WWE's best pay-per-views over a series of lists, starting with what I feel are the top 10 best WWE pay-per-views of the years 2000 through 2002.

#10 Fully Loaded 2000

Now that's an Attitude Era card!
Now that's an Attitude Era card!

WWE Fully Loaded 2000 was a bit of a test for WWE, as they decided to push three up and comers in the main event scene.


Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were each given a huge match against an established main eventer to help see if they were ready for the big time, and I think they proved it.

Live from Dallas, Texas, the show opened up with a Six person Tag pitting The Hardy Boyz and Lita against Test, Albert and Trish Stratus. I thought this was an action-packed opening contest. The crowd was super hot for the Hardyz and Lita of course and went crazy for everything they did. Lita took in the pin for her team over Stratus.


In a match that would have main evented an ECW show three years earlier, Tazz beat Al Snow by submission next.

Nothing much to it, just five minutes of domination by the human suplex machine.

Former Radicalz teammates Eddie Guerrero and Perry Saturn collided for Latino Heat's European title next.

Another short one, this wasn't very good. Guerrero was on form but Saturn just seemed very slow. The future mop lover won the match and Championship with a diving elbow after interference from Terri.


Edge and Christian defended their WWE Tag Team Championships next against the APA. This was just a stinker to be honest. Edge and Christian had heat with the APA at the time so it seemed like Bradshaw and Ron Simmons were working a little still with them. APA took a DQ win in just over five minutes after Edge nailed Simmons with the ring bell.

Val Venis defended the Intercontinental Championship with Rikishi in a Steel Cage next. This, I think, was one of the best matches of both men's careers. A pretty thrilling match which featured an incredible spot of Rikishi performing a Superfly Splash from the top on Val. Seems like it's over until Tazz runs out for no reason and costs Rikishi the match.


The first of the triple main event is next as King of The Ring, Kurt Angle, faces The Undertaker. This was practically a squash match, Taker gave Angle nothing here. Total destruction. Thankfully WWE continued to push Angle after.

The main event saw The Rock defend the WWE Championship with Chris Benoit. This was a very exciting match that proved they were two of the best in the world.

It seemed like Benoit had won the match as Rock was disqualified and the stipulation was Benoit would be Champion if that happened, but Mick Foley ordered a restart and Rock pinned Benoit with a Rock Bottom.


The best match of the night came from Triple H and Chris Jericho, who had an excellent Last Man Standing match. Truly one of the best matches of the year here and that is really saying something.


#9 Royal Rumble 2001

Best Rumble event ever
Best Rumble event ever

This, in my opinion, was the best Royal Rumble event in history. The card was just fantastic.


Edge and Christian opened the show, defending their WWE Tag Team Championships with The Dudley Boyz. It was a good opener, by this point they had worked together so often that they were just incapable of a bad match.

Chris Jericho challenged Chris Benoit for the WWE Intercontinental Championship in a Ladder match next.

Instantly the standard bearer for the best match of the year and one of the greatest Ladder matches ever. An insanely incredible match won by Jericho after sending Benoit off the ladder and out of the ring.


Ivory defeated Chyna to retain the WWE Women's Championship. This was more of an angle than a match.

Triple H challenged Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship next. A little long winded but overall thrilling match. These two worked so well together, they could never have a bad match together. Angle retained following interference from Stone Cold.

The best match of the night was the Royal Rumble match itself. Full of action and surprises, everything a Rumble should be and topped off with the right winner in Stone Cold Steve Austin.



#8 Backlash 2000

The kind of card the Attitude Era was all about
The kind of card the Attitude Era was all about

A sold-out capacity crowd, some excellent action and popular decisions made this an epic event.


Backlash 2000 opened with Edge and Christian defending the WWE Tag Team Championships with X-Pac and Road Dogg. It was a pretty exciting opener. Edge pinned a bloody X-Pac after nailing him with the ring bell.

The Big Boss Man and Bull Buchanan beat the APA in a stiff match. Crash Holly retained the Hardcore Championship over Hardcore Holly, Perry Saturn, Tazz and The Hardy Boyz in a wild but clunky match.


The Big Show dressed as Hulk Hogan squashed Kurt Angle in less than three minutes. Test and Albert defeated The Dudley Boyz in a passable match.

Eddie Guerrero retained the European Championship over Essa Rios in a short but good aerial contest. They should have been given much longer.

Chris Benoit retained the Intercontinental Championship over Chris Jericho by DQ in a solid and thrilling bout. And in a very popular decision, The Rock finally regained the WWE Championship from Triple H in an action-packed main event. The roof nearly blew off as Stone Cold Steve Austin interfered and attached the McMahon-Helmsley regime.


The best match of the night was a surprising one. Dean Malenko retained the Light Heavyweight Championship over Scotty 2 Hotty in the best match of Malenko's WWE run and of Scotty's career.


#7 WrestleMania X-8

Dreams came through
Dreams came through

For the first time in 12 years, WrestleMania took place outside the U.S as it returned to the SkyDome in Toronto, Canada. The crowd of over 68,000 were treated to a spectacle.


The huge event opened with the ever-popular Rob Van Dam challenging William Regal for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. It was a short one at just over 6 minutes, but they made the best out of it. RVD came out on top with his first of 6 IC title reigns.

Diamond Dallas Page defended the European Championship against Christian next. Similar to the IC title match, this was just 6 minutes to but again, was made the best of. DDP retained with a Diamond Cutter.


Maven and Goldust fought to a no contest in a Hardcore Championship match after Spike Dudley ran down with his own referee to take the Championship. This led to a series of backstage segments throughout the night that would see the title switch from Spike to The Hurricane, to Molly Holly to Christian and back to original Champion of the night, Maven.

Some interesting trivia, Christian winning the title was the first time that a Superstar had won a Championship at three consecutive WrestleMania's.


Kurt Angle defeated Kane in a decent match. The Undertaker pinned Ric Flair in an exciting and an underrated No DQ match to extend his WrestleMania streak to 10 - 0.

Hometown hero Edge pinned Booker T in a short and poor match to end their silly hair shampoo Japanese commercial feud.

Up next was Stone Cold's match. For the first time since he was the Ringmaster, Austin was portrayed as just another wrestler, despite his rockstar reception.


Austin pinned Scott Hall in a passable match. Billy & Chuck retained the Tag Team titles over the APA, Dudley Boyz and Hardy Boyz in a decent Fatal Four Way.

A step down in WrestleMania tag team matches for the Hardyz and Dudleys though. Jazz retained the Women's Championship over Lita and Trish Stratus in a short but fair match.

Triple H pinned Chris Jericho in the main event to become Undisputed Champion. It was a disappointment compared to their matches in 2000 but still an exciting match. Much like another Triple H WrestleMania main event in 2009, the crowd had been worn out because of an earlier match by the time this happened.


The Rock and Hulk Hogan easily had the match of the night. Wrestling wise it was just about good, but the reaction from the crowd made it incredibly special. Rocky won in an unpopular decision, after a People's Elbow.


#6 No Way Out 2001

Epic battles
Epic battles

The 2001 Royal Rumble was a great show. WrestleMania X-7 was a great show, so what about the in between pay-per-view? Yep, No Way Out 2001 was one fantastic show too!


The event opened with The Big Show defeating Raven to become WWE Hardcore Champion. It was a short one at just under five minutes, but it was decent for that time and especially considering the size difference.

Chris Jericho retained the Intercontinental Championship over Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac in an exciting Fatal Four Way, lots of action here.

Stephanie McMahon and Trish Stratus were up next. This was before Trish actually trained to wrestle (and become the best ever) and Steph was never any good in the ring.


However, this was a pretty entertaining match, especially for two non-workers. Steph pinned Trish following interference from William Regal.

Right To Censor leader Steven Richards pinned Jerry Lawler in a match next. Due to his loss, The Kat had to join RTC because of this.

She was fired later that week and King quit then too, so WWE pretended this match didn't exist less than a week after it happened.

The Dudley Boyz retained the Tag Team titles in a Triple Threat over Edge and Christian and The Undertaker and Kane, following interference from Rikishi and Haku. It was an okay effort.


The Rock pinned Kurt Angle after two consecutive Rock Bottoms in the main event to win his sixth WWE Championship. It was an excellent match.

As good as Rock and Angle was, the best match of the night goes to the first ever three Stages of Hell, which pitted longtime rivals Triple H and Steve Austin finally ending their legendary feud.

Austin won the first fall, a standard match. The Game won the second, a Street Fight and then would also win the third, a Steel Cage. It was an epic battle.



#5 No Mercy 2001

Not a bad performance in sight
Not a bad performance in sight

I think WWE had a great streak of solid pay-per-views in 2001. This show did not feature a single bad performance.


The Hardy Boyz opened up the show with a win over Lance Storm and The Hurricane. It was short but nicely paced.

Test pinned Kane in a satisfactory match. It was a win that should have elevated Test up the card.

Torrie Wilson beat Stacy Kiebler in a Lingerie match. Again, something the Women's Revolution is nothing about, but the live audience was high on it.

Edge defeated Christian in a very exciting Ladder match to reclaim the WWE Intercontinental Championship. A little long-winded, but overall, a very exciting match and full of high spots.


The Dudley Boyz beat the Big Show and Tajiri to retain the WWE World Tag Team Championships next. It was decent considering Show and Tajiri were just thrown together.

The Undertaker pinned Booker T in a fair match. At this point of the year, Taker was doing no favors for new WWE stars, so it is pretty amazing he allowed Booker to look as good as he did here before taking his selfish win.


The main event saw Stone Cold Steve Austin retain the WWE Championship over Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam in a red hot three-way. This was action packed and another highly underrated main event.

The best match of the night came from the WCW Championship match between The Rock and Chris Jericho. Both men had one of the finest matches of both of their careers here, it was simply excellent. Jericho pinned The Rock to win 'the big one'.



#4 Survivor Series 2002

WrestleMania like atmosphere
WrestleMania like atmosphere

Survivor Series 2002 was an epic event. It was promoted as perhaps the biggest Survivor Series ever and rightly so, as it felt like a WrestleMania. WWE also had several objectives on this night, and I think they accomplished them all.


The opening match was a Six-Man Tag Team elimination Tables match, pitting Jeff Hardy, Bubba Ray Dudley and Spike Dudley against 3 Minute Warning.

It was a very exciting match, although did feature some notable botches, such as Rico waiting for what felt like forever for Jeff Hardy to knock him off the turnbuckle. Bubba Ray was the sole survivor of his team after a returning D-Von Dudley aided his brother in victory.


Billy Kidman lifted the Cruiserweight Championship from Jamie Noble in a short but decent match. Victoria took the Women's Championship from Trish Stratus in a Hardcore match, a very rare match for women at that time. It was a good effort in the short time they had.

Up next, The Big Show became the first Superstar in WWE to pin Brock Lesnar. Show pinned Lesnar in just over five minutes to become WWE Chamion, after Paul Heyman shockingly turned heel on his client.


Other than the heel turn, the match was good for showing Lesnar's incredible strength, as he suplexed Show several times and hit him with an F-5.

Scott Steiner returned to WWE for the first time in 10 years and hammered Matt Hardy and Christopher Knowinski in a segment. The fans gave this an earth shaking reception.

Eddie and Chavo Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit and Champions Edge and Rey Mysterio to become WWE Tag Team Champions. An exciting battle from start to finish, they proved why they were the 'SmackDown Six'.


The best match of the night was the main event, they first ever Elimination Chamber match. Shawn Michaels won the World Heavyweight Championship in this epic contest, last pinning Triple H.

The match also featured Chris Jericho, Booker T, Kane and Rob Van Dam. It was one of the most incredible and emotional victories in WWE history.


#3 No Mercy 2002

Undertaker made Lesnar The Man
Undertaker made Lesnar The Man

A truly fantastic show, this was another event from 2002 with not a single bad performance. This must-see show would feature two of WWE's best matches of the entire year.


Chris Jericho and Christian opened up the show defending their newly won WWE World Tag Team Championships against Booker T and Goldust. It was short at under 9 minutes, but they made the most of it giving a pretty entertaining match.

Torrie Wilson pinned Dawn Marie next. This was decent overall when you consider that neither of them were actually full-time wrestlers.

Rob Van Dam pinned Ric Flair in another short but entertaining match. This was followed by a fourth consecutive short but decent encounter when Jamie Noble retained the Cruiserweight Championship over Tajiri.


Up next, Triple H pinned Kane to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. This match was built around the worst storyline in wrestling history, also known as the Katie Vick saga, so thankfully we at least got a pretty good match out of what was previously such a shambles.

Trish Stratus retained the Women's Championship over Victoria in a fair match.

The WWE Championship main event was a memorable clash. Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker had the first of their two Hell in A Cell matches here, and it was an ultra-violent and excellent encounter.


The best match of the night came from the finals of the tournament to crown the inaugural WWE Tag Team Champions (Today's RAW Tag Team Championships). Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit defeated Edge and Rey Mysterio in a truly outstanding match. Possibly the best standard rule tag team match in wrestling history.


#2 SummerSlam 2002

Best ever SummerSlam
Best ever SummerSlam

In my opinion, without a doubt, the best WWE SummerSlam in history. This was just a phenomenal event that had everything for every kind of wrestling fan. The live audience was electric all night long.


Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio gave one of the best show opening matches of all-time, perhaps the next best after Bret and Owen Hart and WrestleMania X. Mysterio tapped out to the Ankle Lock.

The only dud of the night came next. Ric Flair and Chris Jericho are two of the best wrestlers ever. However, their match here was just a very poor and botched offering. Moving on, Edge pinned Eddie Guerrero in a passable match.


Edge has commented on this match over the years calling it disappointing, but happy they redeemed themselves in later matches. He was right.

Lance Storm and Christian retained their WWE Tag Team Championships over Booker T and Goldust in a red hot match.

All four men really earned their paychecks here. Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental Championship in a very good match, which was overlooked at the time. The Undertaker pinned Test in a short but fair match.


Brock Lesnar cemented his spot as the future of WWE when he defeated The Rock for the WWE Championship. this was a very exciting and action-packed match, the kind of match you wish you could get out of The Beast Incarnate today.

The crowd was on fire for it too, they gave out every cheer possible. loud chants of booo's, cheers, Rocky, Rocky sucks, Brocky, Brocky sucks, Lesnar, Lesnar sucks, Goldberg, they had every chant possible.


The best match of the night came from the epic Unsanctioned match from Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

It was HBK's first WWE match in over four years and he immediately proved why he had been one of the best wrestlers of the 90's. Michaels pinned The Game after a flip roll up. Epic battle.


#1 WrestleMania X-7

Best PPV ever?
Best PPV ever?

I can't imagine anyone who hasn't seen this event, I have no problem in saying I find it to be the best wrestling pay-per-view of all-time.


It was a spectacle in every way possible and the red hot 67,000 + Texas crowd went crazy all night long.

Chris Jericho opened the show retaining his Intercontinental Championship over William Regal in a short but decent match. Tazz and the APA flattened the Right To Censor in just under four minutes.

Kane lifted the WWE Hardcore Championship in a very fun Triple Threat over the Big Show and defending Champ Raven.


They went all over the place. At one point, Raven nearly drove a golf cart over the wire controlling the PPV feed, which would have knocked it off.

Eddie Guerrero pinned Test to regain the European Championship in a decent match. Kurt Angle pinned Chris Benoit in an excellent match, a real technical masterpiece. Chyna squashed Ivory in less than three minutes to become WWE Women's Champion.

Shane McMahon pinned daddy Vince McMahon in a wild Street Fight, which offered many big moments from the competitors, as well as Trish, Mick Foley and Linda McMahon.


Edge and Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz in a jaw dropping and epic TLC match. Even being the third time they had this match, they still offered something new and different and they tore the house down with the incredible action.

The Iron Sheik won a three-minute Legends Battle Royal. By far a wrestling masterpiece, but it was fun to see all the legends in it.

The Undertaker extended his WrestleMania streak over Triple H in a thrilling match. It wasn't as good as their Hell in A Cell match at WrestleMania 28 but better than the Street Fight at 27.


The best match of the night was the main event. One of my favorite matches ever, Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated The Rock to win his fifth WWE Championship.

It was an excellent battle which culminated in the shocking heel turn of Stone cold as longtime enemy Vince McMahon aided his victory. A phenomenal match that ends a phenomenal pay-per-view.


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Edited by Alan John
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