10 Best WWE Randy Orton Matches

Has had many epic battles
Has had many epic battles

Randy Orton is now pretty much one of the greatest stars in WWE history. Orton has been the number 2 guy in WWE for more than a decade now, only behind John Cena, and rightly so.

Ever since Orton debuted for WWE back in 2002, it was pretty clear he had a bright future. Once he was added to the Evolution faction, it was clear WWE had major plans for him. Not only has WWE pushed him as the number 2 guy these past 11 years or so, but he has also delivered some of the best matches in WWE history, solidifying his spot as one of the superstars who carry WWE.

It is hard to take a career like his has been and break it down to the top 10 matches, but these are what I feel they are.

#10 Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels - Unforgiven 2003

PPV debut
PPV debut

This was a breakout match for the future Legend Killer and Viper.

Randy Orton has actually probably had several matches better than this, however, his performance here helped elevate him in the eyes of many as someone to watch in the future. It was a big test for Orton as it was only his second ever pay-per-view match and first PPV one-on-one match, his first having been apart of the Elimination Chamber match at SummerSlam the previous month.

It was a good match, with one main objective, to put Orton over, and Michaels did so in convincing fashion. We had some back and forth action, HBK did a good job of selling the 'injured' shoulder Orton gave to him. The end came when Shawn Michaels went to suplex Orton from the apron to back into the ring, but Orton punched him in the head several times with some brass knuckles Ric Flair had given him and took the three count.


#9 Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - Extreme Rules 2011

That's how you open a PPV!
That's how you open a PPV!

Now, this is how you open up a pay-per-view!

A fantastic match, this Last Man Standing Match is one of the best matches in WWE history to ever open up a show. Extreme Rules 2011 was an excellent event overall and this set the tone for what was to come.

The action started off fast with some quick exchanges. We had a lot of use from a kendo stick from both men as they slugged it out. We get a few varieties of suplexes from both as Punk screamed at Orton to stay down before he wrapped Orton's neck in the chair and sends him into the ring post.

After Punk barely survived the count after an RKO, Orton charged for the Punt, but Punk counters to a modified GTS where he used the ring steps instead of his knee. Punk grabbed a kendo stick as Orton made it to his feet at the count of nine. Orton battled back and relentlessly beat Punk with a kendo stick in the corner.

Randy then hits a top rope RKO for the 10-count.


#8 Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam - One Night Stand 2007

Surprising outcome
Surprising outcome

Randy Orton and Rob Van Dam had one pretty good Stretcher match at the One Night Stand event in 2007.

This was a surprising match, not just for being such a good match to open a show, but the outcome was surprising to as Orton was being primed to be an upcoming challenger for the WWE Championship, and this was also RVD's last match as a full-time superstar before leaving the company.

Considering RVD was leaving, you would have thought it would have been a one-sided affair in favour of Orton, but no, it was a great match. We had a lot of back and forth action, RVD gave some great selling, especially playing off the concussion angle in this match, we got a really cool moment when RVD attempted a Rolling Thunder, only for Orton to get up and catch him, mid-flip, with a powerslam. As Randy is pushing Rob on the stretcher towards the finish line, at the last second, RVD manages to get up and strikes Orton enough to get him on the stretcher and pass the finish line.

Orton gave RVD a vicious post-match beating afterwards, to write Rob Van Dam off Television.


#7 Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit - SummerSlam 2004

Youngest World Champion
Youngest World Champion

Some say this match came too soon for Randy Orton, while others thought it was the right time but poorly booked in the month that followed. Nevertheless, how you feel about Orton's title reign, this was a great match.

Even though Randy had only debuted on WWE TV 2 years earlier, he had quickly risen to one of WWE's best performers by the time of this match, thanks to some rewarding performances with Shawn Michaels, RVD, Edge and of course, Mick Foley. Some lockups and submission holds took up the first few minutes before some fighting outside.

We get some great back and forth action, with a lot of chops and suplexes from Benoit and some great counters and top rope moves from Orton. As the end came, Benoit went up top for a Diving Headbutt, but it didn't connect as Orton put his knees up. It looked pretty sick. Orton covers for two, but Benoit popped up with a crossface. Another counter came from Orton as he rolled through only for Benoit to grab the arm again, but then Orton hit the RKO out of nowhere and covered for the pinfall and his first Heavyweight Championship in WWE.


#6 Randy Orton vs. Triple H - No Mercy 2007

The second best match of this PPV was also Orton vs. HHH
The second best match of this PPV was also Orton vs. HHH

This was a pretty crazy night. John Cena had vacated the WWE Championship earlier in the week due to an injury, which also cancelled his planned Last Man Standing match with Randy Orton at No Mercy.

The show opened up with Vince McMahon declaring Orton as the new WWE Champion, only for him to lose it less than 15 minutes later to Triple H. After The Game retained the title in the second match with Umaga, Vince ordered a rematch with Orton for the main event, in a Last Man Standing match.

After a slugfest to open this one, Orton went for The Game's ribs, which had been 'injured' in his match with Umaga. They fought around outside the ring for a few minutes, and soon introduced the steel steps and a chair. Orton busted Triple H open after a great spot where he delivers an RKO through a steel chair.

After some very close 9 counts for both men, Triple H attempted to put Orton through the announcers' table but was reversed into an RKO and a 10 count, giving Orton his second WWE Championship reign of the evening.


#5 Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Breaking Point 2009

Best match they ever had
Best match they ever had

Randy Orton and John Cena have a long long history. They feuded on and off for over 7 years, and fought in almost every match possible, including standard matches, tag team matches, Triple Threats, Fatal Four Way, a 5 Man Elimination, 6 Man Elimination, 7 Man Elimination, shared the ring in a Royal Rumble, Hardcore matches, Table match, TLC match, Cage match, two Hell in A Cell matches and a 60 minute Iron Man.

And of all the matches they had, which is a very mixed bunch of some really really good, and others really really bad, this 'I Quit' match from the 2009 Breaking Point event is easily the gem of their very long feud.

Randy actually dominated a large portion of this match. Literately right from the get-go as Cena attempted a shoulder tackle and Orton ducked out of the way, he immediately pounced on him a seized control for quite a while. The biggest moment of the match came when Orton handcuffed Cena to the ring post and basically tortured him for a while.

He poured water on Cena to keep from him passing out and battered him with kendo stick shots all over, it was pretty sick. Cena was able to nab the handcuff key from Orton's neck and made a comeback, which saw him make Orton tap out to the STF to win and become WWE Champion once again.


#4 Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan - WrestleMania XXX

Best performance in recent years
Best performance in recent years

It wasn't the best match of 2014, but it was damn well close to being. Daniel Bryan was not supposed to be there. WWE saw Randy Orton vs. the returning Batista in the main event for the WWE Championship, while Daniel Bryan was to settle for a match with Sheamus.

But the fans spoke, and WWE would actually listen and change their plans for what on paper, was the most important match of the year. Daniel Bryan belonged here and that is what made the match what it was.

Randy Orton and Batista are both great performers, but it would have been very difficult for them to have the match we expect as a WrestleMania main event. Daniel Bryan gave us that emotional and match of the year calibre performance that we want and need for WrestleMania.

The action was so hot, particularly Batista and Orton's double reverse RKO/Batista Bomb through the announcer's table. Bryan made a tremendous comeback to submit Batista for the tearjerker victory.


#3 Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair - Taboo Tuesday 2004

An overlooked gem
An overlooked gem

When fans look at the best matches of Ric Flair's 2001 - 2008 return to WWE, everyone will talk about his last WWE match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 24 as being the best. And while that may be true, it wasn't the only excellent match he had. In fact, he had several, with this one being the second best of the bunch.

This Steel Cage match, voted for by the fans at Taboo Tuesday, was one of the more shorter pay-per-view main events in history, at just 10 and a half minutes, but they certainly made the most of every second. After some back and forth chops and punches from both men, Flair whipped Orton hard into the steel cage, which busted Orton open, after just 2 minutes. As Flair continued to beat Orton, he would reverse and send Flair into steel, making him bleed too.

After some classic Ric Flair bumps and cage escape attempts, Flair went for a chair shot to the head of Orton, but Orton ducked that and nailed the RKO for the pinfall. Despite Flair being heel and with Evolution and Orton being the groups opposing babyface threat, the two still shook hands and hugged after the match.

This surprisingly great match is absolutely worth 10 minutes of your time.


#2 Randy Orton vs. Christian - Over The Limit 2011

Fantastic chemistry
Fantastic chemistry

Randy Orton and Christian had an excellent series of matches in 2011. While everyone at the time was raving about feud on RAW between John Cena and CM Punk, SmackDown was giving equally as fantastic television with this phenomenal feud.

Orton and Christian would collide for the World Heavyweight Championship a couple times on SmackDown, and on four consecutive pay-per-views, Over The Limit, Capital Punishment, Money in The Bank and SummerSlam. Most fans look at their SummerSlam encounter as being the best, but in my opinion, their first pay-per-view bout at Over The Limit is the clear best.

After some great back and forth action to kick this off, the fans were already really into it and split right down the middle on who they want to win, maybe slightly more towards Christian. Orton locks in some submissions, only to be reversed by Christian, who gave some high-risk moves. There were some really close near-falls after some big moves from both men, followed by Christian hitting the Spear to a big pop and loud two-count. Christian attempted the Killswitch twice, but is countered both times, the latter into an RKO for the victory.

A fantastic and underrated match that is a must see!


#1 Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley - Backlash 2004

Could it have been anything else?
Could it have been anything else?

This is the match that made Randy Orton a star.

This was pretty wild. A bloody and violent warfare, Mick Foley could not have done any more to put Orton over. Foley tossed Orton off the stage through some tables, hit a vicious elbow drop and the involvement of barbwire ensured this match truly had it all.

Perhaps the most memorable spot came when Foley/Jack pulled out a bag that turned out to be thumbtacks. He poured them out all over the ring. Orton charged in, went for an RKO, but Jack countered, dropping Orton back first onto the tacks, with the tacks sticking onto his back.

The finish would see Orton hitting Foley onto "Barbie" for the three-count.

Simply an outstanding match.

Mick Foley has since called this match one of the best and most favourite matches of his career and the best match he had for many years.


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