#8 Stronger booking for the cruiserweights

The cruiserweight division has been one of the biggest victims of Vince’s micromanaging style. Before it even became a regular part of RAW, he announced that the wrestlers would have severe restrictions put on them and the moves they could use.
Thus, instead of the Cruiserweight division being about smaller wrestlers with impressive athletic abilities, it was all about the colour purple: purple ring ropes, purple lights, and a purple title belt. Vince has effectively taken the things that made the Cruiserweight Classic exciting and unique and has stripped those wrestlers of that uniqueness, creating a division of WWE Superstars that don’t have the same attributes as they did before.
But when Vince leaves, this approach is likely to end. Triple H and the other producers behind the CWC recognized that it was these wrestlers’ athletic skills that made them exciting and not any ‘characters’.
As a result, the Cruiserweight division is likely to become what it was in the CWC once Vince leaves, because he won’t be able to put so many restrictions on those wrestlers as he does now.