#2 Better commentary

Many people have criticized commentators like Michael Cole, JBL, Bryan Saxton, and the many others that have done commentary on RAW. However, all of these men have one thing in common: they each have to deal with Vince McMahon yelling in their ears, telling them what to say.
When WWE did the UK special, Michael Cole did a phenomenal job as a commentator because he sounded natural and didn’t have Vince giving him strict commands on what to say. In fact, there was one leaked segment when Cole was asking Vince ‘I’ve already said this ten times’, and then there was a brief period of silence, before Cole repeated, ‘Ok, yes sir’.
Thus, the clear implication is that Vince is barking out orders telling the commentators what to say and how to say it, even if the commentators themselves might disagree with what they’re being told to say.
Luckily, this approach isn’t likely to stay in place when Vince leaves. Both SmackDown and NXT are produced without Vince’s direct involvement, and the general consensus is that both shows have better commentary than RAW.
So when Vince does depart WWE, the commentary is likely to experience a major boost in quality, because the actual commentators won’t have to worry about nonsensical orders being yelled at them through their headsets.