On the May 20th, 2019 edition of Monday Night Raw, WWE Hall of Famer and Hardcore legend Mick Foley unveiled WWE's brand new championship belt, to an incredibly mild response. The belt design left a lot to be desired, but there was no going back.
On the same episode, Titus O'Neil became the first-ever WWE 24/7 Champion, but was almost immediately pinned by Robert Roode. When R-Truth saw Roode escaping a string of WWE mid-carders, he hid the Glorious One in the back of a car. This turned out to be a ploy though, as Truth proceeded to attack Roode and pin him to bag the belt.
Ever since then, Truth has been losing the title and winning it back on various occasions. He lost the title to Jinder Mahal at a Golf course and an airport, but managed to win it back both times. Last week on SmackDown Live, Truth lost the title to Elias, but immediately pinned the villain under the ring to win back the gold.
We take a look at the 10 craziest ideas for the WWE 24/7 Title.
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#10 Cathy Kelley's plan works to perfection

Soon after the WWE 24/7 Title came into being, WWE backstage announcer and interviewer Cathy Kelley posted a bunch of unusual tweets. The first tweet featured Kelley talking about wanting to hang out with referee Danilo Anfibio. Kelley's second tweet saw her offering coffee to a couple of WWE referees in a backstage area.
As we already know, there are basically no limitations when it comes to the 24/7 Title. Anybody can win it at any point in time. An angle could see Kelley finally managing to bribe a referee, who then helps her bag the title by invading R-Truth's home, while he's asleep.
#9 No Way Jose wins the belt and disappears in his Conga Line

From an incredibly talented NXT performer to an afterthought on the main roster, No Way Jose's WWE run hasn't exactly been thrilling. His gimmick reminded many of Adam Rose, who used to come out to the ring with The Exotic Express.
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A short reign with the 24/7 Title could give Jose something to do on the main roster. Here's where his Conga Line comes into play. Let Jose win the title, no matter if it's inside the ring or anywhere else. Once he wins the belt, he immediately proceeds to get mixed up in the Conga Line and disappears.
Soon after, WWE could air segments where a bunch of WWE Superstars would be looking out for Jose and stumble upon the Conga Line. Upon asking his whereabouts, the Line would give false directions to the Superstars, sending them on a wild goose chase. It would be revealed immediately after, that Jose was right there all that time, hiding in the middle of the Conga Line.
#8 The title changes hands on a podcast!

When one talks about the most opportunistic Superstars in WWE history, WWE Hall of Famer Edge's name immediately comes up. He was the first-ever Money In The Bank winner, and went on to cash in two separate briefcases on John Cena and The Undertaker to win the WWE and World Heavyweight Titles. What better way to remind new fans of what Edge is capable of doing, than letting him have a very short run with the title, coupled with a bunch of hilarious segments?
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Edge announces R Truth as a guest on his podcast, "E & C's Pod of Awesomeness". Edge invites Truth in a specially constructed studio for recording the conversation. In the middle of the chat, Christian suddenly gets hold of Truth and puts him down. Edge proceeds to pin Truth and a referee pops up from behind a curtain to make the three count! A WWE legend winning the title during a podcast would be the exact dose of comedy this angle needs.
#7 A referee wins and holds the title hostage

The most important aspects of the 24/7 Title are the referees, whose workload has increased tenfold ever since the title debuted on Raw. A crazy angle could surely be done involving a band of referees, who are tired of being on their toes all the time. Let John Cone be the leader of the referees. For the ones who aren't aware, Cone is the father of Nicholas, who won the Raw Tag Team Titles alongside Braun Strowman at WrestleMania 34.
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Fed up of the extra work, Cone hatches a plan where he pins an unsuspecting R Truth, and another referee makes the count. From this point onwards, Cone walks around backstage with a bunch of referees surrounding him, refusing to let any wrestler come near him, and threatening to sue any Superstar who tries to lay his hands on any one of them. This could lead to one of the Superstars becoming a special referee and helping a fellow wrestler pin John Cone as gently as possible, to get back the title in circulation.
#6 Brock Lesnar wins the title to kick off a unique storyline

Until this point, we have seen a bunch of mid-carders go at each other's throats to win the WWE 24/7 Title. To add to the drama, WWE could introduce a heavyweight Superstar in the mix, like Brock Lesnar. The Beast recently showed his funny side on WWE TV. Why not take it up a notch and give the fans a bunch of hilarious segments!
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Here's how it could play out: Lesnar randomly decides to get his hands on the title. He spots R Truth in a backstage area. Truth sees Brock and is understandably scared to death. He lies down on the floor and lets Lesnar pin him for the belt, and breathes a sigh of relief as soon as the monster leaves with the belt.
Moving forward, a bunch of Superstars would follow Brock everywhere he goes, but no one would be courageous enough to confront him and challenge him to a match. Finally, all the Superstars would band together and attack Lesnar out of the blue, with everyone pinning him down and one of them stealing a quick pin. The new champion immediately bails while The Beast destroys the remaining mid-carders in a fit of rage.
It would take no more than a couple of weeks for the storyline to play out, following which WWE can put Lesnar immediately back into the hunt for the Universal Title.
#5 Carmella betrays R Truth

The thirst for championship gold has turned the best of friends into the worst of rivals. Megastars like Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin have become heels in pursuit of the title, so it won't be a surprise if Carmella does it at some point of time.
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Ever since R-Truth won the 24/7 belt, Carmella has helped him keep the gold on his waist on several occasions. When he lost the title to Mahal at the airport, Carmella tweeted that it happened because she wasn't there to have his back. A long-term storyline could see R-Truth falling for Carmella and proposing to her at a restaurant, explaining how she has been with him through thick and thin.
She accepts and the two Superstars celebrate by having a couple of drinks. Suddenly, Truth falls asleep and it turns out that Carmella used a couple of sleeping pills on the love-struck champion. She immediately makes a phone call and a referee arrives at the spot in a cab. Carmella pins Truth, who's in deep slumber, thus putting an end to her months-long chase for the title.
#4 Randy Orton goes on an RKO spree

The 24/7 Title is synonymous with the word 'unpredictable'. Who else is synonymous with that word? You got that one right!
Everyone else is winning the title, so why not an established legend, for the sake of a few laughs? The storyline is as easy as it gets. This angle could be executed around a couple of months down the line, when R-Truth wins the title for a record 10th time. As R-Truth is delivering a speech on becoming a 10-time WWE 24/7 Champion, Orton comes out of nowhere, RKOs the champion and pins him immediately.
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This kicks off a series of hilarious segments where Superstars' roles are reversed. Now, the fans would see a wrestler searching for Orton backstage, who comes out of the dark, RKOs him and flees the scene. It's the classic story of the hunter becoming the hunted, which will see a bunch of mid-carders roaming around in a group, so as to prevent Orton from attacking them with an RKO out nowhere.
#3 Chaos in the Royal Rumble match

The 2020 Royal Rumble match is still months away, but the possibility stands that WWE could involve the 24/7 Title in the legendary free-for-all.
Assuming that Truth is the champion at that point, he comes down to the ring during the Rumble match with the title over his shoulders. Suddenly, the wrestlers inside the ring gather around Truth, forgetting for a minute that there's a bigger prize at stake here than the 24/7 Title.
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To add to the chaos, a band of WWE Superstars sprints towards the ring, wanting to steal a quick pin on Truth. The crowd goes wild as there's a bunch of Superstars going at each other's throats during the Rumble match, with everyone trying to pin Truth instead of looking to eliminate their opponents from the match.
Upon realizing that he is on the verge of losing his beloved title, and having a horrible track record in the Rumble match, Truth jumps off the top rope and flees the scene taking his title with him. The Superstars suddenly realize that they're battling for an opportunity to compete in the main event of Wrestlemania, and the match resumes.
#2 The Hardy Compound and the reincarnation of the 24/7 Title

The WWE Universe hates the 24/7 Title belt design. Here's an amazing idea to change the same and turn the angle into something that's incredibly crazy!
Let Matt Hardy win the title at a future date. The victory makes him incredibly happy, to the point that he goes berserk and the Woken persona takes over him. Hardy cuts a promo on the titantron, where he invites WWE Superstars to the Hardy Compound if they want to take back the belt from him.
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A bunch of wrestlers travels to the compound, where they begin the search for Hardy. Once they locate him, chaos ensues! This has the potential to become an even crazier segment than The Ultimate Deletion could ever be.
In the end, Matt Hardy accidentally throws the Title in The Lake of Reincarnation. He proceeds to jump into the lake, and gets hold of something. To everyone's utter surprise, the belt turns out to be the legendary Hardcore Championship! This would be a great idea to make things right and retire the belt design that the WWE Universe dearly hates.
#1 Drake Maverick's devious scheme to defeat R-Truth

It was recently reported that Drake Maverick would be getting married to Renee Michelle, who appeared in the Inaugural Mae Young Classic Tournament. The wedding is set to take place at a later date. It's also evident from Maverick's posts that he desperately wants R-Truth's 24/7 Title and is ready to go to any lengths to bag the belt.
What would be a better and dastardly ploy to win the title than by taking advantage of an unsuspecting Truth at the wedding? An angle could be centered around the wedding, which will see Maverick invite Truth to the proceedings. Truth, who loves the title more than anything else in the world, takes the belt with him to the wedding.
After the vows are taken and the marriage procession is done with, Maverick takes Truth inside, where Truth get drunk to the brim. Hours later, as he is about to leave the spot, Maverick escorts him to a car. As Truth opens the door, referee John Cone greets him from the driver's seat! Before an inebriated Truth realizes what's happening, Maverick pushes him inside the car and pins him while Cone makes a quick count. The new champion instructs Cone to drive an unconscious Truth home and goes back to celebrate the marriage, as well as his first title win in WWE.