If there is anything to go by all the shows WWE puts up throughout one single week- be it the house shows, live television shows,pre-taped television shows- or the interviews that so many wrestlers give, there isn’t much time these performers have for themselves. They are always on the road. So, getting some free time is a luxury in itself. It is interesting, though, to know if these superstars do have time for a hobby despite wrestling, sometimes more than 300 days a year. Despite the strenuous schedule, they do indulge themselves in their hobbies.
Here are 10 current WWE Superstars and their hobbies when not wrestling:
Finn Balor (Painting/Comic books/Anime)
When it comes to comic books and wrestling, nobody has imbibed as much influence and been successful as much as Finn Balor. The man is known for the paint he adorns on his face and body. When Fergal Devitt signed with the WWE, one of the premier questions twirling around was when will we get to see him put on the paint.
Finn Balor did not disappoint and at Takeover R Evolution he made one of the best entrances in the realm of WWE, ever.
He’s previously dressed himself as The Joker, the picture of which he put up on his twitter to let the fans compare between him and Jared Leto’s new look as the iconic villain.
Sami Zayn (Hockey/Punk Rock fan)
The underdog from the underground made a spectacular debut on Raw. Sami Zayn, formerly known as El Generico, has travelled the world and became a known name in the global circuit. His ‘Ole Ole Ole’ chants made their way into the main roster way before he even made an appearance on Raw, during the match between Sheamus and Orton just after Wrestlemania.
Sami Zayn,like most Canadians, is a huge hockey fan. In fact he and Adrian Neville sometimes visit the roller hockey rink near the WWE performance centre.
He supports the Montreal Canadiens.
Apart from hockey he is also a punk rock fan and likes to go to concerts as a de-stressing exercise.
The Undertaker (Combat Sports fan)
The deadman may not be a full time superstar. He’s not even a part- time superstar, at this point. He makes that one appearance at Wrestlemania and then he’s gone. But at this point in his career, such a one- off appearance has its own charm and importance.
It’s fascinating how such a character, which is fictional to the basic sense of the word, is able to thrive in this time and age. There is also not much secrecy when it comes to Undertaker’s personal life and interests, inspite of that The Deadman will live forever.
Undertaker is a keen observer of boxing and mixed martial arts.
The first thing that comes to mind may be the fact that Undertaker and Brock Lesnar had a face off at a UFC show where Lesnar had just had a match.
Daniel Bryan (Animal lover/Conservation)l
Daniel Bryan’s hobby, unlike others, lies in closer proximity to wrestling than most in this list. According to WWE.com.grappling is his favorite hobby
Daniel Bryan and his hold on knowing so many submission moves is no mean feat. All of this is credited to him training as a grappler for a number of years. That’s how he learnt his finishing move which is the ‘Yes’ Lock.
But Bryan is also an animal lover, that might explain the vegan diet that he prefers. He was also once voted as the’Most Animal Friendly Athlete’
Apart from that he admitted on the Art of Wrestling podcast that his childhood hobby was clam digging.
Kofi Kingston (Comic-book collection)
Speaking about comic books, Kofi Kingston’s hobby is interesting in itself. He collects comic books but not the classic,mainstream ones as one would expect. WWE.com states the following about his hobby, “While Kingston’s collection does include some classic material — he cites a three-installment “Venom” miniseries as the jumping-off point for his hoard — he tends to veer away from the “mainstream” hero stories in favor of edgier fare such as “Y: The Last Man.” “
Another interesting thing is that he bought a Turkish version of Marvel’s “Civil Wars” series when he was at a Turkish airposrt.
This hobby may be one of the many reasons why he and CM Punk are good friends.
Stardust (Comic books/Video-games)
You may know him as Stardust or you may just call him Cody Rhodes. While he is on screen making bizarre out of the world exclamations and giving us a glimpse into his world that does not seem anything like Earth, you would be better off knowing how big a fan Rhodes is of comics and video games. That may just be the answer to the why he makes such vivid descriptions during his promos.
The comics and video games are what feul his imagination which remains the best part about his very underutilized character.
Bad News Barrett (Guitar-playing/reading)
Bad News Barrett or rather King Barrett has had more than one gimmick to work with in his entire career but one thing has remained constant and that is his reputation as a brawler. So, in the midst of having this heavy reputation, how does he relax? He plays the guitar!
His favourite bands include Guns N Roses, The Beatles, The Stereophonics, The Smiths amongst others. He’s also a cat lover. And if all of that isn’t charming enough, well, he likes reading as well and is an avid fan of the works of Hunter. S. Thompson.
Dean Ambrose (Mountain-biking)
We all know that Dean Ambrose has this crazy personality where he absolutely has no regard for his own well-being. Years of wrestling in extreme stipulations, Ambrose or Jon Moxley has gained a reputation for being edgy and violent. He has all the makings of a sociopath, if he ever turns heel. He’s a bookworm when it comes to his wrestling education. he’s dedicated his entire life to knowing everything about wrestling. He dropped out of school to persue his dream of actually becoming a wrestler.
Apart from wrestling, Jonathan Good, as is his real name, likes to spend some time by the desert where it’s silent, desolate and one can hear their own thoughts. And amidst all this solitude he likes to just hop on a bike and get going on a journey or just take a long walk.
Seth Rollins (Music)
Of all the things that could be worried about a debut, one of Seth Rollins major worries was what was going to be the theme song for the Shield. Music, for the reigning, defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion, is one of the biggest deals. The opening part of the Shield’s theme song- Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta- is spoken by Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose themselves
After all, part of his ring name is a reference to musician Henry Rollins.
He admits to having had a variety of favorites- some of which he lost interest in as he grew older.
But he still remains a hardcore Beatles and Metallica fan.
John Cena (Collecting cars)
John Cena is an avid collector of muscle cars. The last reported figure for his collection was a whooping 20 muscle cars. He has even released a DVD documenting his entire car collection. And it just isn’t any car collection, it entails a 1966 Dodge Hemi Charger, 1970 AMC Rebel Machine, 1971 Ford Torino GT, 1971 Plymouth Road Runner, 2006 Ford G, 2007 Ford Mustang Saleen Parnelli Jones Limited Edition among others.
Apart from this he is also into anime and video games.
Some of you may remember his T-shirt from a few years back with his ‘You Can’t See Me’ move dissected into a video game look. It was also one of his few T-shirts that were somewhat fresh and cool.