#4 Missile Dropkick

Used by: Booker T (especially his WCW days), Zach Ryder, Rob van Dam
Strengths: Powerful striking move, can reach all the way across ring.
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Weaknesses: Easy to spot coming, can leave the practitioner in a vulnerable state if dropkick misses.
A missile dropkick is an upgraded version of the conventional dropkick. While both moves involve leaping into the air and planting both feet firmly on one's opponent, the missile dropkick ups the ante by including a trip to the top rope. Combining velocity with strength, the missile dropkick is as beautiful as it is deadly.
The Missile Dropkick has several variants, but usually, the wrestler performing the move ends up twisting in mid-air to land on their belly. A less bump heavy version involves the wrestler performing the dropkick to land flat on their back, and this is the version most used today.