Fan Casting the Roles Pt. 1

Speaking of characters, it'd be just as fun to imagine who would take up the roles of the real-life personalities in this epic series. The first season of Feud featured pitch-perfect casting with Jessica Lange as Joan Crawford and Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis. You'd need equal heavyweights to portray these WWE legends.
Here's a look at the Shawn Michaels and team side of casting for this amazing show. As can be seen above, the perfect player to portray Shawn Michaels would be none other than current Oscar nominee (and future winner) Sam Rockwell. Rockwell is a master at portraying characters with a certain cocksure charm and insecure arrogance mixed with a wild side. To be honest, I hate suggesting this one, since Rockwell is my favourite actor and my dream is to direct him in a Shawn Michaels bio-pic.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
He's the perfect fit for Shawn Michaels and even slightly looks the part. Joining him on the table would be the likes of Triple H, Vince McMahon and Earl Hebner to name a few. The perfect fit for Vince (on a TV schedule) would be none other than Eric Roberts. Nikolaj Colster-Waldau would make a convincing Triple H, with some nose prosthetic. Despite maybe his schedule, Tommy Lee Jones fits as Earl Hebner.