#6 Bradshaw Becomes John 'Bradshaw' Layfield

After a forgettable run as one of the 'New Blackjacks' in 1997, Bradshaw would eventually join up with Ron Simmons to form the Acolytes, and later, the Acolytes Protection Agency, or APA.
After a brief break-up in 2002, the APA reformed on Smackdown in 2003 and would return to their regular segments, as they did before the brand extension, such as playing poker, drinking beer, and bribing superstars with their money.
The APA broke up again in 2004 after losing a stipulation Tag Team match to Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty, that saw Ron Simmons fired from Smackdown, but not Bradshaw. As Bradshaw had legitimately released a book on finance the previous year, WWE decided to give him a complete gimmick change into an arrogant businessman, complete with a suit and tie, a cowboy hat and a stretch limousine, and he became known as John 'Bradshaw' Layfield.
Other than the gimmick being naturally despised by the fans, JBL was also in the right place at the right time as far as the main event push went, as his ultra-snobby gimmick came at a time when Smackdown desperately needing a new top heel, due to Brock Lesnar leaving WWE and Kurt Angle being inactive due to a neck injury. JBL filled the void and became WWE Champion, and helped fill that position for 9 months. He remained a main event player for the majority of his in-ring career.