The 'Show of Shows', the Grandest Stage of Them All, there is no doubt that WrestleMania is the pinnacle of sports entertainment. Every individual who laces those boots has one dream, and that is to be able to perform at WrestleMania.
Dreams did come true for a lot of people at WrestleMania 34. For example, Nia Jax overcame the odds to become champion and the Usos finally got to perform at WrestleMania. To witness a bonkers main event and The Dead Man rose from the Ashes, and much more. It was an oddly satisfying night as a WWE fan. WrestleMania marks the end in certain ways, and at the same time, it is the beginning of a new chapter in WWE.
No other event symbolizes the new beginning quite like the Raw after WrestleMania. Over the past two decades, the event is known to host the hottest crowds of the year, and WWE does not disappoint in bringing their best to this show. New debuts, returning Superstars, and shocking title changes are all a part of this event.
The tradition continued on Raw after 'Mania 34 as well, the crowd was hot throughout, Samoa Joe and Matt Hardy made their comebacks, Lashley returned to the WWE fold whereas AOP, No way Jose and Ember Moon made their main-roster debut. Also, Ronda Rousey put an armbar on Stephanie McMahon. The show had some great moments, but none of them quite as impressive as the ones listed below.
Following is a look at the top 10 greatest SmarkaMania Raw moments in WWE history.
#10 Brock Lesnar goes on a rampage (March 30, 2015)

Brock Lesnar is arguably the greatest character in the history of WWE, and he has brilliantly portrayed that character. Lesnar is a monster who does not care about anything except for his own self. But, when the Beast Incarnate feels that he has been wronged, all hell breaks loose.
Seth Rollins performed the heist of the century when he cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase to walk out of WrestleMania 31 as the WWE Champion. It is worth noting that Brock Lesnar was never pinned, so when Rollins refused to give Lesnar his rematch on Raw next night, chaos ensured.
Rollins being the dastardly heel that he was, managed to escape but Lesnar destroyed everyone and everything in his path. He took out J & J security, flipped the announce table, F- 5ed Michael Cole out of his shoe, and almost killed a poor cameraman who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Stephanie McMahon would eventually come out and suspend Lesnar, but the damage was already done.
The program was written to get Lesnar off the television, and it worked wonderfully well. It was an exhibition of Lesnar's strength and rage, and that made it one of the best moments in Monday night Raw's history.
#9 Goldberg Debuts (March 31, 2003)

Goldberg was recently inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, but for a long time, fans thought that they will not be able to see Goldberg in a WWE ring ever. At WrestleMania 19, The Rock defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin for the first time in his career and stood at the highest altar of sports entertainment. The Rock had now beaten everyone in the business, except for one man: Goldberg.
Next night on Raw, The Rock was singing his own praises when the music hit. After months of speculation, Goldberg had finally arrived in WWE. It sent a chill down the spine of everyone watching. Goldberg uttered "You're next" before nailing The Rock with a scintillating spear.
Goldberg's first run in the WWE lasted for merely a year and ended with a train wreck of a match against Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 20. While Goldberg's tenure with WWE was forgetful, his debut remains one of the highlights of Monday Night Raw's history, and will not be forgotten soon.
#8 Shield vs Evolution (April 7, 2014)

Daniel Bryan had the greatest WrestleMania moment of all time as he defeated Evolution on the same night to become the WWE champion. Next night on Raw, the authority had Bryan all beaten up and it looked all set for HHH to become the WWE champion when Shield's music hit, and the crowd erupted.
The Shield made its way down to the ring. HHH even tried to calm down the simmering tension between the groups but to no avail. Reigns nailed HHH with a spear, and set in motion a feud we never thought we would get to see: Shield vs Evolution.
Two of the greatest factions in WWE history went toe to toe, and it was magic. HHH told them that they had started a war which they cannot win, and ultimately he got his way.
The Shield would dominate their matches, but the program ended with Rollins turning on his Shield brothers, and changing the landscape of the WWE forever.
#7 Shawn Michaels retires (March 29, 2010)

Going into WrestleMania 25, The Undertaker had never defeated Shawn Michaels at a WWE PPV, but WrestleMania was his show and The Deadman walked away with the win. Over the next year, Michaels became obsessive with ending The Undertaker's streak, he cost him his match at the Elimination Chamber, and eventually put his career on the line to get another shot at The Undertaker's streak.
At WrestleMania 26, Michaels and Taker had one of the greatest 'Mania matches of all time, but the former came up short again. The two men hugged in the ring as one of the all-time greats bid adieu.
Monday night Raw was dedicated to HBK's career, The Undertaker turned up to show his appreciation, HHH and HBK embraced at the top of the stage, and Michaels walked away into the sunset just like that.
Michaels knew his time was up. He should get a lot of appreciation for sticking to his decision, and staying retired.
#6 Mankind makes his presence felt (April 1, 1996)

The night after WrestleMania has seen many great wrestlers make their debut, none of them made an impact quite like Mankind. Coming out of WrestleMania 12, Shawn Michaels was the WWE Champion, and WWE was in desperate need of new Superstars. Among the new signings was Mankind, aka Mick Foley.
The next episode of Raw saw Mankind made his in-ring debut against Bob Holly, and he made short work of him. It was not the last of Mankind one would see that night, Mankind would attack The Undertaker in the main-event of the show locking him in the Mandible Claw.
Jim Ross has admitted that one of the biggest reasons for signing Mankind was the need for fresh opponents for The Undertaker. The two men had one of the greatest feuds in WWE history and contested some of the most brutal matches the company has ever seen.
Mick Foley had a legendary career with the WWE. Foley had some iconic matches in his WWE career, won multiple championships with the company, and most importantly, he won the Monday Night Wars for WWE.
#5 Ultimate Warrior makes a return (April 7, 2014)

The Ultimate Warrior returned to the WWE after 18 years at WrestleMania 30 weekend. The Ultimate Warrior was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and made a return after nearly two decades. Warrior addressed his fans and made a powerful speech on what it takes to be a Warrior.
Merely 24 hours later, Warrior tragically passed away at the age of 54 leaving his words will live forever.
Speak to me, Warriors! As I thought about what I was going to say this evening, it's been hard for me to find the words. [Puts on mask.] Well then, you shut up Warrior, and let me do the talking.
No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. However, what that man did in the ring was something larger than life. Thereby his essence, his spirit, his name is immortalized by his fans. By the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever.
You, you, you, you, you, you are the legend-makers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back, I see many potential legends, some of them with warrior spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with the passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well.
#4 Once in a lifetime (April 4, 2011)

John Cena and The Rock -- two of the greatest performers in WWE history and two men who share more similarities than they would like to admit. During his time as WWE Champion John Cena took some potshots at The Rock, and when the Great One returned to WWE programming in February 2011, things intensified.
The two would trade words leading up to WrestleMania 27, John Cena laid out The Rock with an attitude adjustment weeks before WrestleMania. The Rock, in return, would cost Cena his championship match at WrestleMania 27.
Cena and Rock came face to face on Monday night Raw and would decide to have a match at WrestleMania 28. For the first time in WWE history, a match was being declared a year ahead, it was a risky move by WWE but it paid rich dividends as the match secured the biggest buy rate in WWE's pay-per-view history.
#3 This is my yard (April 3, 2017)

Roman Reigns faced The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33, and to nobody's surprise, defeated The Dead Man clean in the middle of the ring. The Undertaker left his coat and hat in the ring, and it was widely speculated that The Undertaker had called time om his career.
Reigns was not very loved by the WWE universe before this match, and to say that he was hated by the fans after this match would be an understatement of sorts.
Monday Night Raw started with the crowd chanting The Undertaker's name for the first five minutes. It was surreal and a fitting send-off to Mania's greatest. Roman Reigns' music played after some time, and the crowd erupted in boos.
Reigns marched to the ring and was mercilessly booed, all kinds of expletives were shouted at him but Reigns withstood the barrage and proudly declared "This is my yard". Perfection!
Reigns dropped the mic and left the ring. We are in the reality-era of the WWE, and this was its greatest ever moment
#2 Brock Lesnar is back (April 2, 2012)

Brock Lesnar had the greatest debut run for any WWE superstar. He won the King of the Ring, Royal Rumble, WWE championship. He defeated The Undertaker, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and destroyed anyone who dared to stand in his path.
But, things went south pretty quickly. Lesnar quit the company after his infamous match with Goldberg at WrestleMania 30 and flipped the bird to Vince McMahon on his way out. It was pretty clear that we will never see Brock Lesnar in a WWE ring ever again, but you never say never in this business.
Brock announced his retirement from UFC in 2011, and rumours started floating that Lesnar is going back to WWE. WrestleMania 28 saw The Rock defeat John Cena much to the crowd's delight. Fast forward to Raw, and during the entire show, the crowd chanted for Brock Lesnar.
When John Cena called out The Rock in the main event of Raw, he got a returning Brock Lesnar for his trouble. For the first time in over eight years, Lesnar was in the WWE, and Miami crowd popped like it never has. Lesnar would F-5 John Cena much to the enjoyment of everyone watching. Fans had grown tired of the WWE, and Lesnar's return added a much-required freshness to a rather stale product.
Over the next five years, Lesnar became one of the biggest attraction of the WWE, and while views might differ on him, there is little doubt that there will never be anyone like Brock Lesnar ever again.
#1 Ric Flair calls it a day (March 31, 2008)

Ric Flair is unarguably the greatest wrestler in the history of pro-wrestling. For almost four decades, Flair was the undisputed face of the business. Flair wrestled in multiple promotions throughout the course of his career and won championships all around the world.
Therefore, when at the ripe old age of 60, Flair decided to hang his boots, it was an emotional moment for everyone involved: the greatest moment in Raw after Mania history.
A day after being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, Ric Flair battled Shawn Michaels in a career match at WrestleMania 24. Flair gave the match everything but was unable to overcome the resiliency of Shawn Michaels. HBK said the now iconic words, "I'm sorry, I love you" before nailing Flair with the sweet chin music, thus bringing an end to his legendary career.
The next episode of RAW saw everyone come together to celebrate the career of the Nature Boy. The entire locker-room, Flair's family, his Four horsemen stablemates were present to give the great man a fitting farewell. The most chilling moment came when The Undertaker took to the ring to doff his hat to his mentor.
Everyone in the building that night, and people watching at home had tears in their eyes as they would not be able to see Flair perform again. The emotion involved, the status of the performer made this the most touching moment imaginable.
As things panned out, it was not the last time Flair performed in a wrestling ring. He would sign up for TNA, and while that does take some of the sheens away from this particular moment, it is still good enough to warrant the top spot on this list.
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