#8. Hogan's meeting with Vince

Hogan was all set to wrestle in a 6-man tag team match at the Rosemont Horizon when Steve Taylor approached him. Steve worked for WWE at the time and asked Hogan to give Vince McMahon a call.
According to Hogan, Vince came to his house and they talked for a long while. The duo had some drinks and shook hands at around 4 or 5 in the morning.
Also read: 5 babyfaces who broke character and praised heels
#7. Hogan slept for three months in a parking lot
Fame doesn't come overnight. Before he became the biggest attraction in all of North America, Hogan had to go through his fair share of hard times. The Hulkster said that, at one point in his career, he slept in his van in a parking lot for three straight months.
After Hogan became friends with David Schultz, the latter invited him to stay in his apartment, where he became roommates with Schultz and the Honky Tonk Man.