He's the face that runs the place, one of the most celebrated athletes in modern WWE history, and just might break Ric Flair's world title record.
He's John Cena, and never has there been a more polarizing figure. Cena was no stranger to controversy from the get-go when his snide yet fascinating raps skirted the edge of what was acceptable on television.
Eventually, John Cena transitioned into a lily-white babyface, becoming equal in status to Hulk Hogan as America's favourite kiddie hero wrestler. While some factions of the wrestling audience seem never to warm up to Cena, his overall popularity have put him in the spotlight, and not just for his wrestling career.
Here are ten of the best moments from John Cena's career.
#1 Talking smack to the Beast
After debuting for the Smackdown brand, John Cena didn't make much of a splash until he performed a Vanilla Ice impersonation on the Halloween edition.
This led to the development of his 'Doctor of Thuganomics' character, a scornful rapper who epitomized the worst of the hip-hop stars of the day. Due to his dynamic work on the mike, he was quickly put into the ring with none other than the beast Brock Lesnar.
Though Cena would be unsuccessful in his initial run at the belt, it made for some entertaining exchanges.
#2 Winning his first championship

Cena followed a similar career path to longtime WCW stalwart Sting. He quickly entered into a losing feud with the world champion, and then descended to the mid-card and became ruler of that roost.
When he took on Big Show for the US title at Wrestlemania XX, he was still viewed as an underdog. It was our first look at 'super Cena', the man who just keeps coming back for more. Cena would have an impressive run with the US title before making his transition to the main event level.
#3 Early feud with Carlito
Just when Cena seemed unstoppable, resisting then-SmackDown GM Kurt Angle's attempts to wrest the US title from his grasp, he ran into a stumbling block: Carlito Caribbean Cool.
Carlito -- the son of Puerto Rican legend Carlos Colon -- shocked the live audience by besting Cena in the ring and taking his title. This led to some interesting promos between the two but sputtered out after a rather silly angle in which John Cena was allegedly stabbed in the kidney at a nightclub.
The negative backlash from the fandom that the WWE had portrayed its only high level Puerto Rican talent as a gang member fizzled out their feud early, but it was fun while it lasted.
#4 First World Championship

John Cena's edgy character and rap promos earned him notoriety and championship gold. Though he slowly transitioned from a cocky rapper to more of a patriotic hero, the fans were still behind him when he challenged the hated JBL for the Smackdown World Title at Wrestlemania 21.
As we now know, Cena would accomplish this feat fifteen more times, becoming one of the most decorated champions in history. But it all started at Wrestlemania in his first main event role.
#5 Drafted to Raw and the polarisation of the fans

John Cena was the very first draftee in the very first WWE draft lottery. After he made the transition to Raw, Eric Bischoff sought to take the belt off of him in an angle that sought to mirror the success of Stone Cold Steve Austin's early face run.
Unfortunately, even though Cena was the babyface and Jericho played the role of the heel, a very vocal section of the crowd booed Cena and cheered for Jericho. This was the start of John's polarizing fan base and the birth of "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks" chants.
#6 First Movie Role

With John's good looks and powerful build, as well as his flawless delivery of scripted lines, his foray into the world of motion pictures was inevitable.
Starring in the WWE films production The Marine, John played the titular character with more aplomb than expected from a first-time actor. Though his performance in the movie isn't great, it isn't terrible, either.
The film struggled to make seven million at the box office, but sold over thirty million copies on DVD, making it a financial success even if it was not a critical one.
#7 Subject of CNN scrutiny and editing

In 2007, cable news network CNN ran a special entitled Death Grip: Inside Pro Wrestling.
Far from a fluff piece, the network was trying for a harangue of the industry, focusing on the steroid abuse that had been a part of wrestling subculture for some time. It was around this era that the WWE began its wellness program, and superstars were subject to random drug screening.
When CNN asked John Cena if he'd ever done steroids he replied: "Absolutely not." Later, when pressed, he also said: "I can't say that I haven't, but you'll never prove that I have."
CNN edited the footage and took out the phrase "Absolutely Not," making it seem that John was admitting to prior steroid abuse. CNN did not apologize but did replace the "absolutely not' phrase back into later airings of the special.
Cena managed to weather a storm that brought down such luminaries as Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds and did so in style with the full backing of the WWE.
#8 Granting 500 wishes

To date, John Cena has granted over 500 wishes for the Make a Wish foundation. The foundation strives to give terminally ill children chances that they would not otherwise get, such as driving an Indy car or meeting a celebrity.
No one has granted more wishes than John Cena, EVER. His dedication to the organization is unquestioned, as is the size of his heart. This, rather than any championship gold, is probably John's greatest accomplishment, and we have a feeling he would agree!
#9 Reality TV Star

Reality TV shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians tend to have overwhelmingly female audiences. But when Total Divas started airing on the E network, a surprisingly large portion of the audience was male.
You can thank one man for that; John Cena. His engagement to one of the show's main stars, Nikki Bella, meant that he was front and centre in many of the show's storylines. John Cena is a draw even when he's not in his wrestling gear, and the high ratings for Total Divas prove it.
#10 Starring in an Animated Film

John Cena may be a polarizing figure who receives almost as many boos as cheers, but one thing is certain; Children love him to death.
That's why his casting as the peaceful bull Ferdinand in the movie of the same name is a no-brainer. John Cena has the gift of gab and the irrepressible personality to be a great voice actor. Ferdinand is expected to be the first true, bonafide hit of Cena's acting career as a lead.
There you have it: ten of John Cena's top career moments!