#9 Mojo Rawley

Mojo Rawley is an example of how it seems like WWE are going to be pushing someone with a completely new gimmick and a lot of TV time, and then it just gets dropped all of a sudden.
The former Hype Bro hasn't been doing much on RAW and SmackDown for quite a while now. After his tag team with Zack Ryder came to an end, it seemed like WWE had plans to push Rawley following his big win with the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 33, but instead he only made sporadic appearances on TV over the following few months.
After a long holiday from TV, Rawley reemerged on RAW last January in a backstage segment talking to an off-screen person, blaming them for his lack of success.
The person would turn out to be himself as he was speaking to a mirror. Rawley returned to RAW this past May, with a new look and face paint. After winning a few squash matches, he once again faded into the background and today can often be seeing chasing whoever the 24/7 Champion is.
I don't think Rawley's gimmick is all that unique, but I do think it would still fair off much better in NXT, or at least a return to NXT for Rawley could help him find his footing.