#8 No Way Jose

No Way Jose made his main roster WWE debut on the post-WrestleMania episode of RAW in 2018. So far, Jose's biggest main roster accolade is being eliminated in this year's Royal Rumble match by Samoa Joe in two seconds.
That really says it all.. They just seem to have no plans for him whatsoever. When they do decide to use him on TV, all he does is come out with the former Adam Rose exotic express conga line and get squashed. If anyone really needed a gimmick change in WWE right now, it's No Way Jose.
And whether that happens or not, I don't know, but I do know the only chance he has of being able to achieve that is by returning to NXT.
Fresh new gimmicks for previously underused talent have a way of not going over well if they happen on the main roster, but if it were to happen on NXT, he may stand a chance.