#2 Naomi - The Rear View
Naomi is an athletic woman. She has demonstrated this several times during her career. Yet for some strange, inexplicable reason, despite all the changes in the women’s division, Naomi is still saddled with the single worst finisher in WWE today: the Rear View.
That’s right because Naomi has…rather large hips, they’ve decided that she needs to end her matches by jumping midair and pushing her butt into her opponent’s face. I’m not sure if the name ‘the Rear View’ is supposed to be taken seriously or not, but it all sounds like one huge joke at Naomi’s expense.
The Rear View isn’t funny, it isn’t sexy, it isn’t a good example of ring psychology, and it isn’t…anything good. It’s one of the last remnants of the old ‘Divas’ era when women’s wrestling was treated as a joke.
If WWE were still serious about pushing the women to the forefront and treating the division with respect, the promotion would do away with moves like this and let Naomi do something more…serious.
At least then she wouldn’t still have people laughing at her for trying to end her matches by pushing her butt into her opponent’s face like a female version of Rikishi.