Roman Reigns is boring.
The WWE Universe has no doubt heard this for years now and while everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's hard to deny that Reigns has had some pretty great matches this year. Of course, fans are going to point to his abysmal match with Samoa Joe at Backlash as proof of how bad he is, but they never seem to want to mention the good ones he has had.
In fact, Roman Reigns and Bobby Lashley's match against the 'The Revival' was amazing and included Reigns actually losing to the tag team. Then there was the match at Extreme Rules against Bobby Lashley, which was a barn burner from beginning to end and culminated in Reigns taking a key loss to his new rival.
With that being said, and Reigns current move set becoming very stale with the current WWE audience, here are the moves that Reigns needs to add to his arsenal in order to make his matches a little more exciting. Keep in mind that opinions are subjective and my opinion may not be yours, but I would love to know what moves you would like to see him do in the comments below!
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#10 Steal opponents finishers.

One of the most hellish things you can do in a WWE match is use someone's finisher against them and that's exactly why Reigns should start doing just that. Not only will it allow for a new finisher to be used each match, which will be cool to see what kind of spin he put on it, it will also allow him to gain a lot of heat for doing it.
Think about it. If Roman Reigns hit Seth Rollins with a curb stomp in a match, the fans would be going absolutely crazy over it. Jaws would be dropped, fans would be shocked and it would really help him achieve a prickish look. In the end, that's exactly what Reigns needs in his move set right now, which is why stealing other people's finishers is the way to go.
#9 The Undertaker's Tombstone.

Some might find this ridiculous, but if Reigns started incorporating The Undertaker's piledriver into his move-set, it would be effective in making Reigns look like an absolute punisher inside the ring. It would also allow Reigns to gain some credibility for being the only person in the current WWE roster allowed to do the move.
In the end, Reigns using the tombstone would be a hell of a finisher to use out of nowhere in a match, and it would also be a cool nod back to his WrestleMania showdown With The Deadman. If nothing else, that's a win on multiple levels for WWE and will allow for his main base to strengthen while also giving his haters something to hate.
#8 The Crossface

The crossface would be a perfect move for Reigns to use on opponents and also could be used to help him in big match situations as well. In fact, if Reigns locked in The Crossface on Brock Lesnar and making him tap out, it would go a long way in establishing him as the undisputed top guy in WWE.
Of course, WWE should probably use the move sparingly if possible, but it would still be great to see it used in a couple of his matches. With that being said, the move might get Reigns booed more than before, especially if he uses it to win in top matches, but it's a move that would showcase his strength so well.
#7 Discus clothesline

Going back to the idea of Reigns as an absolute punisher inside the ring, what better way to do that than to have him start using the discus clothesline. In all honesty, it would make a huge impact in fans minds, if they saw Reigns turning superstars inside out in one hit and it would even create an OMG moment that his matches need more of.
He could also do it on the outside of the ring for an even bigger impact, which would only further the idea of him as a punisher. In the end, it's up to WWE if they want to do more of that and what how far they want to go with it, but it would certainly at least be a way to freshen him up a bit.
#6 Powerbomb

Another move that screams punisher is the powerbomb, but it also gives him another boast as well. In fact, if WWE allowed Reigns to do the signature Shield Scream before nailing an opponent with a powerbomb, it would make fans cheer in nostalgia and make him look like a badass in the meantime.
WWE could also use the lift up powerbomb, which would allow him to showcase his strength by deadlifting his opponent up to slammed back down into the matt. With that being said, it's nothing that's going to set his arsenal on fire, but it's an effective move that will get the fans behind just how powerful Reigns is.
#5 DDT

If WWE really wants to get The WWE Universe behind Roman Reigns, they need to give him moves that are capable of creating excitement in a match. That's why Reigns should start using The DDT in his matches and even as a reversal move if possible. It would also help him bring the match to a standstill and leave fans anticipating what happens next.
It looks punishing, it would look like a great transition for Reigns to take the upper hand during a match and it has the ability to get fans behind him in the process. If nothing else, that's a trifecta for The WWE right now in regards to Reigns and should be something the company seriously considers.
#4 Running Knee

What about a running knee out of nowhere that completely decimates Roman Reigns opponent and could also be used to showcase his speed and athleticism? While that move is usually reserved for smaller superstars to put the exclamation point on a match, it would look so much more powerful if done by Roman Reigns.
Not only that, it is also one of those punisher type moves that could leave opponents feeling dazed and confused. With that being said and Reigns' athleticism being something that WWE wants to showcase more of, it makes sense that a running knee strike out of nowhere would portray both power and agility for Reigns.
#3 Missile Dropkick.

There's something about a missile dropkick that used to make wrestling fans go crazy when a superstar tried to do it. While the superstar sometimes crashed and burned, which eventually gave his opponent an advantage, it also has resulted in some of the most OMG moments in WWE history.
With that being said and the impact that Reigns can add to that move with his physique alone, WWE should at least consider adding it to his move set. In the end, it might not be something that used every single match, but when the match calls for a monster heel character to finally be knocked down, it would be perfect.
#2 The Kimora lock

Believe it or not, The Kimora lock would be perfect for Roman Reigns.
Not only would it be a great reveal when a monster heel has him in a bear hug, it would also help him look absolutely brutal against his skinnier opponents. While some fans might not like the brutality Reigns would exhibit, there are other fans that are starting to eat up his little heel mannerisms.
In fact, the punishment he dished out to Bobby Lashley during their match at Extreme Rules was really what helped him look so good despite losing to the former MMA fighter. With that being said, it seems obvious that the more brutal Reigns is, the better and WWE should try to make him look like a giant killer as much as possible.
In the end, the move will also make whoever manages to escape it look incredibly strong, which will help build up some of the younger talents in The WWE.
#1 Top rope release German suplex.

Let's be honest here.
The move looks absolutely devastating when it is executed on a superstar and its one that fans always go nuts for as well. Not only that, Roman Reign's strength and size will also help show just how devastating the move can be, which could turn it in a finisher on special occasions.
Of course, it's probably one of the more dangerous moves a WWE superstar could do, but just the image of Reigns throwing someone halfway across the ring, something that fans will be able to get behind. It's brutal, its a match spot that usually yields a positive reaction and it helps get Reigns across as a badass.
A win for everyone involved.