#9 Cash in after losing a match to the Champion

This cash in could either be after a regular match involving the champion and the briefcase holder or an actual title match that goes wrong for the MITB holder. Think about it, twice we've seen the MITB holder face the champion for the title without having to cash in. In both instances, the challenger lost.
What if the challenger had instantly decided to attack the champion after the loss or during his celebration, knocking him with the briefcase then chasing in?
It would be an interesting angle right! Both Edge (vs. Batista, 2005 RAW Gold Rush Finals Winner) and Rollins (vs Lesnar vs John Cena, Triple Threat at Royal Rumble 2015) had golden chances to pull this off. Yes as a challenger you're already excellent, but the complete surprise of this cash in after a loss would send an equally tired champion out for a toss!