2. Shawn Michaels

Real name: Michael Hickenbottom
Years in the sport: 34 (retired--mostly.)
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
Finishing Move: Sweet Chin Music (superkick.)
He thinks he's cute, he knows he's sexy, and he's got the looks that drive the girls wild. He's Shawn Michaels, the Heart Break Kid and a grand slam WWE champion (not counting the brand split titles for Raw and Smackdown.)
Shawn Michaels began his WWE career as part of the Rockers, a Rock n Roll Express rip off team who had great success in the AWA as the Midnight Rockers. They never actually won the WWE tag team titles, except for a fluke match where the ring ropes broke and the decision was reversed.
HBK became a much bigger star on his own, making it all the way to the main event. The reason Michaels is polarizing is that he transitioned from the New Generation Era to the Attitude Era. While his fresh-faced, good-looking heartthrob character got cheers from all the fans in the New Generation era, it earned boos from the male fans and cheers from women and children during the much darker Attitude Era. These days HBK gets universally cheered due to his legend status, but he was once a very polarizing figure.