6. Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Real Name: James George Janos, though he has legally changed it to Jesse Ventura.
Years in the sport: 20 as an in-ring performer, plus fifteen as an announcer (retired from both.)
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Finishing Move: The Wham Bam Body Slam (aeroplane spin into a powerslam.)
Jesse Ventura grew up a huge fan of pro wrestling, especially men like Superstar Billy Graham, upon whom he would base his own persona. After a stint in the military's legendary Seals, he embarked upon a pro wrestling career.
Jesse wasn't the best technical wrestler, but he had a great look and could work a crowd with the best of them. He is the originator of the phrase "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!"
When Ventura's in-ring career ended, he became an announcer and on-air personality. He was one of the first announcers to denigrate the babyfaces like Hulk Hogan while praising the heels. If a face broke a rule, he would call them out as a cheater. But if a heel broke the exact same rule, he was 'brilliant.'
Ventura was so entertaining in this role that the fans cheered for him even though he was no longer an active wrestler. His by play with Vince McMahon is a hallmark of WWE's classic era.