#6 Honky Tonk Man/Ultimate Warrior: Mattel Battlepack "Summerslam"

I just had to include at least one Battlepack in this list. Just for those who are not familiar with WWE action figure collecting, or simply haven't paid much attention to the market in recent years, the Mattel Battlepack is always going to be a package that contains two action figures. Usually, it'll be a tag-team, or perhaps two rivals, or something along those lines. In this pack, Mattel gives us two of the greats from the past, as well as two of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all-time with Ultimate Warrior and The Honky Tonk Man.
The Mattel Battlepack series typically goes for around 25 bucks in most retail stores. However, this particular one has been in high-demand and selling out in many stores, which has caused its collector value to rise. Many online third-party sellers are asking for anywhere between $35 and $50 for this Battlepack.