It's no secret that every wrestling fan has their favorite superstar. It's also no secret that those same fans can be quite passionate about defending their heroes.
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Unfortunately, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses doesn't do either the fanboys or their favorite wrestlers any favors. Refusing to admit that even the best wrestlers aren't perfect can get you into a lot of heat on social media--you may even be cyberbullied!
For example, the author's favorite wrestler of all time isn't Hulk Hogan or the Rock. It's Beautiful Bobby Eaton, most famous for being one half of the Midnight Express but he actually accomplished a lot more in his career. Eaton was smooth as silk in the ring, and perhaps one of the best performers ever, but didn't have the marketable look of athletes like Lex Luger, and wasn't the most engaging man on the microphone, hence his lack of world champion status.
However, some wrestling fans just don't want to see the truth about their favorite wrestlers and blame everyone else for their lack of appeal. Here are ten overrated wrestlers fanboys still love.
#1 Shawn Michaels

I know what you're thinking; he's not going to attack SHAWN MICHAELS, is he?
Yes, he is. He's going to attack Shawn Michaels.
The Heart Break Kid was, indeed, one of the most talented in-ring performers of his day. Heavily influenced by the Lucha Libre style, he had the ability to make almost any opponent look good...when he felt like it.
Shawn makes this list for two reasons: One, the era in which he was 'the guy' in WWE presented a decided lack of major stars. All of the biggest stars of the era were in WCW or overseas, so it's hard to judge his appeal against men like Randy Savage or Sting.
Second, Shawn was notorious for being a huge pain in the neck to deal with. Temper tantrums, complaining about other talent that threatened his top spot, and even kicking hapless cameramen who were just doing their job are just a few tidbits of his bad behavior over the years. Shawn Michaels was a great wrestler...but not THE greatest of his or any other era, and he wasn't a great man until he was shunned by the wrestling community and found religion.
#2 Big Daddy

Our readers in the UK just spit out their tea when they read this man's name. Shirley Crabtree Jr--better known as Big Daddy--can sort of be thought of as the UK's Hulk Hogan. He was their biggest star for many years, and no doubt sold a lot of tickets.
However, he didn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch. Most of his moves involved hitting his opponent with his blubbery belly and forearm smashes. PWI considers him one of the worst in-ring performers of all time.
When viewed without the filter of nostalgia, Big Daddy was no big deal at all.
#3 X Pac

"X Pac Heat" is a term applied by wrestling management to a performer who isn't hated as a character, but rather hated as a person.
That being said, there is a contingent of X Pac fanboys who still believe he should have been WWE, WCW, and ECW world champion despite his lack of appeal. To these fans, the fact that he's been an adult film star isn't an indictment, it's a badge of honor. Ditto his substance abuse issues and cruelty to former girlfriend Joanie "Chyna" Laurer.
X Pac was a mediocre light heavyweight talent at best, and lacked the charisma or presence to be more than he was--but don't tell that to his fanboys.
#4 The Ultimate Warrior

Vastly overrated not just by his fans but by WWE management as well, the Ultimate Warrior had the perfect look, a great character--and dangerously bad wrestling ability.
Frequently, Warrior would injure his opponents legitimately in the ring. When confronted by this, he would blow off his accuser and reiterate "I am the Warrior."
He failed to ignite the fans as the successor to Hulk Hogan's throne and was moved back to the mid-card by management after a fairly lackluster run as WWE champion. Yes, his early death was tragic, and his last words on camera were chilling in retrospect, but he was never a very good wrestler.
#5 Triple H

Possibly the only person who overestimates Triple H's value to wrestling than his fanboys is Triple H himself.
Hunter Hurst Helmsley was losing Hog Slop matches before his real-life friend Shawn Michaels used his political clout as world champion to get Helmsley elevated into their DX stable. Once Shawn Michaels left, Triple H started sliding down the card behind men like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Then he married Stephanie McMahon, daughter of his boss Vince McMahon, and he once again became a main event talent and wound up being WWE champion ten times.
Triple H isn't the worst wrestler, but he's far from the best. His fanboys should recognize that he got where he is today by virtue of favoritism, and not purely by his own talent.
#6 Mick Foley

Mick Foley is a nice guy in real life, and we hate to speak badly of him, but he's one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time.
Ric Flair said it best; Foley was a glorified stuntman. Rather than being over because of his wrestling ability, or charisma, Foley is most famous for being destroyed by men like the Undertaker and the Rock. While we appreciate taking chair shot after chair shot for the sake of entertainment, a high pain threshold and willingness to be potentially crippled don't make one a good wrestler. Far from it.
Most of Foley's 'moves' consisted of slamming opponents with his wrist...not his fist as he often misjudged his strikes...the double arm DDT, and the mandible claw. We love Mick Foley, but he should never have been a world champion.
#7 Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarret is the son of famous wrestling promoter Jerry Jarrett. His political connections go a long way to explaining how he ended up being a main event talent in both TNA--which he partially owned--and WCW.
Despite not being large, or particularly athletic, or handsome, or even skilled in the ring, Jarrett has parlayed his mediocrity into a career that got him into the WWE Hall of Fame--an accolade he certainly has not earned.
#8 Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash is a product of the 'big man' obsession in wrestling during the late 1980s and early 1990s, that saw other performers such as Giant Gonzales, Giant Silva, and others pushed heavily despite being of limited skill.
Kevin Nash's move set consists of a side slam, big boot, and the jackknife powerbomb. He might execute a chinlock if he's feeling technical. The times that Nash was the world champion of both WWE and WCW were the WORST times financially for those respective federations; It seems that only desperation will make you pick Kevin Nash as your top guy.
His fanboys love his promos and interviews, but to be fair they were always sexist and sometimes even mildly racist. Nash's laid-back attitude is all wrong for a champion wrestler, which is probably why he never clicked as champion. Just don't tell his fanboys that!
#9 John Cena

When it comes to the term 'fanboy,' it's quite literal in Cena's case as most of his fanbase are under twelve years old.
Cena was relentlessly pushed by WWE as the top guy throughout the aughts, despite the majority of fans greeting him with boos. His 'never give up' shtick grew old immediately, and despite being heavily criticized for a lack of moves he never learned many more.
These days Cena is more of a reality tv star than a wrestler, a role that suits him much better than top guy in a wrestling company.
#10 Roman Reigns

Despite what you may think, Roman Reigns DOES have his fans, and they're a fairly rabid bunch. They are the type of people who will kick you out of a Facebook wrestling fan page because you point out that the fans chanted 'This is awful' during his WM 34 encounter with Brock Lesnar.
In a way, Reigns is a repeat of John Cena; A big, muscular man who is quite handsome but not terribly athletic, Roman might know fewer moves than Cena.
And if you factor in crowd reactions, Cena had about fifty-fifty boos and cheers, whereas in Roman's case it's closer to seventy-thirty leaning on the boo side. Roman's not the worst wrestler, but he's far from the most talented man on the WWE roster. But don't say that to his fanboys or else!
There you have it; Ten of the most overrated wrestlers of all time that fanboys still love.
Do you agree with this list? Let us know in the comments.