#5 Triple H

Possibly the only person who overestimates Triple H's value to wrestling than his fanboys is Triple H himself.
Hunter Hurst Helmsley was losing Hog Slop matches before his real-life friend Shawn Michaels used his political clout as world champion to get Helmsley elevated into their DX stable. Once Shawn Michaels left, Triple H started sliding down the card behind men like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Then he married Stephanie McMahon, daughter of his boss Vince McMahon, and he once again became a main event talent and wound up being WWE champion ten times.
Triple H isn't the worst wrestler, but he's far from the best. His fanboys should recognize that he got where he is today by virtue of favoritism, and not purely by his own talent.