#4 Why The Undertaker, Bray Wyatt and supernatural personas are vital in the business

The man who has often claimed to possess the power which helps him utilize forces beyond the understanding of us mere mortals, Bray Wyatt spoke in detail about his genuine feelings with regard to the presence of supernatural characters in the professional wrestling dominion.
"For me to be compared to The Undertaker is unbelievable. I've been in there with him and done a WrestleMania against him, and then another one with him and Kane. I think that if you put us side-by-side and watched our work, they're not similar."
"It's the dark stuff that kind of brings us together, and people wanna branch us. But the thing is we're completely different. I think that wrestling needs that kind of dark entity in it...I bring it in a completely different way, but it's still that entity that people need. They need that part of professional wrestling," said Wyatt with regard to the constant comparisons drawn between his character and that of The Undertaker...