#5 Role Reversal
This picture comes from a House Show where it’s a well-known fact that wrestlers have a lot more freedom to make the crowd happy and you can get some pretty special moments from these events. Luckily, nowadays, people have phones that can record all these moments. If something major happens at a House Show, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be a video of it online.
It was a little harder to capture this back in the late nineties and early noughties. If you’ve ever seen the ‘Curtain Call’ you realise how lucky we are to have that grainy footage. It was a guy in the right place at the right time and the same goes for this picture here.
Jericho, ever the brilliant heel, is shown giving Austin the double bird as Austin outstretches his hand for a handshake. Wind up a Rattlesnake though and you’ll get bitten. It’s odd to see Austin on the receiving end of his own taunt and it’s like the two men had a role reversal as Jericho would often use a handshake to gain heat by not going through with it.