This past Monday, more than 50 former wrestlers filed a class-action lawsuit against WWE. In the complaint, there are allegations of racism, poor pay practices, dress code issues and numerous other issues.
There are several of the wrestlers listed in the complaint that allegedly now suffer from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), which is an Alzheimers-like neurodegenerative disease associated with repeated hits to the head.
After reading over the 214 page complaint, here's are ten shockers discovered throughout the pages of complaints.
10. ROAD WARRIOR ANIMAL(Joe Laurinaitis)
Laurinaitis says that he was threatened with fines for wearing jeans on an airplane and for changing a 7:00am flight to a later departure.
John also alleges that there was little-to-no treatment by WWE doctors at ringside. Laurinaitis sustained numerous head injuries during his matches and specifically recalls at least four major concussions he suffered throughout his tenure with WWE. He claims he was double-suplexed while performing with The Beverly Brothers in 1992, which caused an impact that herniated two discs.
Also included in his complaint, he stated that Shawn Michaels powerbombed him in 1997, immediately after returning from a major neck injury.
Rex says he was told by J.J. Dillon that he would receive $500 per week in pay. He says he only received exactly one check total. When he called to inquire about the status of his other paychecks, he was told by Dillon that "the Emperor says he cannot afford to pay you for doing nothing." Smiths understanding was that the term "The Emperor" was commonly used as a reference, or nickname for Vince McMahon.
Most fans remember Rex King as one half of the tag team known as "Well Dunn."
Norris was recruited by Michael PS Hayes. When he went to Connecticut to meet Vince McMahon, Tony brought his lawyer along. However, when he arrived, Mr. McMahon stated that he hated lawyers and instructed Tony's attorney to leave because there was nothing to negotiate.
Tony also stated that on January 21, 1996, he was knocked out completely after Jeff Jarrett smashed a guitar over his head in at a show in Madison Square Garden. The incident led to a hospital visit and long-term neurological injuries.
Rodney says his initial proposed gimmick was to portray himself as an anti-white, Black militant. He explains it was a "no-no" to discuss injuries and that doing so would put your job in jeopardy.
Begnaud said his dialogue consisted of lines such as "damn right!" and "yeah!," with his manager uttering lines such as "kill whitey!" and "free James Brown!"
Jindrak went on to continue his professional wrestling career after his departure from WWE. He actually took his talents to Mexico, where he said working conditions, as well as health and safety practices for professional wrestlers are far more advanced than what he experienced during his time with WWE.
Jindrak also stated that after a match, the other guys, as well as the officials, would often joke around about "having your bell rung."
Halac stated in the lawsuit that he was assigned a half bull, half human gimmick and was to always act like an animal. He explains that he was to do as he was told and that he was once told to keep his eyes and ears open at all times, but more importantly, keep your mouth shut.
Michael also says he sustained many concussions and other serious injuries which require him to take pain medication daily. He has limited neck mobility and range of motion in his neck. He also stated that he cannot feel sensation in his fingers and arms, which is going to require surgery to correct.
Halac said his last royalty check that he received was in the amount of $105, which he received in November of 2015.
Since retiring from professional wrestling, Kamala has suffered for a number of ailments that will remain with him for the rest of his life. He says that medical treatment was not as accessible as often times needed, during his career.
Harris has also suffered from a number of long-term medical issues, such as diabetes and other diseases. Due to complications from his struggle with diabetes, James was forced to get both legs amputated. Harris is no longer able to work at all.
James has also been very vocal about what he claimed to be unfair pay practices, which he says had a lot to do with racism within the company.
Earlier this year, in March, James Harris received his most recent royalties check. The amount was $98.01.
While many past and present superstars have talked about the brutal schedules they are required to work, Jones says he was forced to perform sometimes seven days per week and often times had to work multiple times in one night, including one particular instance in which he says he actually wrestled 10 matches in one single night.
Rick has also been vocal about the lack of medical services available ringside.
Heidenreich says he was knocked out frequently at WWE events. He also said that there was never adequate time to heal, due to the nonstop workload. Jon also stated that he suffers from severe depression and congestive heart failure. He has a permanent knot or cyst the size of a baseball on his forehead.
Jon went on to say that due to his continued medical and mental problems, he is using able to keep a job.
His last royalty check was sent to him on 2015, in the amount of $130.
Johnson says he signed his contract without proper counsel, on what he called a "take it or leave it" basis by Vince McMahon. Ken said he did his own taxes and that his income was reported by WWE on 1099 forms.
As a manager, Johnsons character depicted a stereotypical African American named "Slick, a jive-soul brother." Kevin stated that Vince instructed producers to focus on his lips when he appeared on TV, during promos.
Ken also said he sometimes worked 30 to 40 nights straight, without a break.
Johnson said he was paid $2,500 to induct the deceased Big Bossman into the 2016 WWE Hall Of Fame.
One final thing worth mentioning, is that the complaint also lists the moves that are currently banned by WWE. Here's a look at that list.
CURB STOMP: In April of 2005, WWE banned a finisher called the curb stomp, which features the delivery of a foot stomp to a prostrate wrestlers head.
PILEDRIVER: The Piledriver is a dangerous maneuver in which a wrestler grabs his or her opponentlife turns them upside down and drops them into a sitting position, driving their head into the canvas.
VERTEBREAKER: This is a piledriver style move involving holding an opponent upside down, back to back by the arms, them driving them into the mat by dropping to a seated position, causing the opponent to land on their neck, shoulders and back of the head.